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Vergleichende Genomik (Insekten), Bonn

Neue experimentelle und Datenverarbeitungstechniken offerieren uns ganz neue Möglichkeiten Organismen auf genomischer Ebene zu vergleichen und so zu verstehen, wie Genome evolvieren und wie neue phenotypische Charakteristika entstehen. Somit lässt sich die Entstehung und Veränderung von Biodiversität selbst nachvollziehen. Insekten, als artenreichste Gruppe höherer Eukaryoten, sind ein besonders vielversprechendes System um die Komplexitäten evolutionärer Innovation aufzudecken.




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  • 2024/6

    Feldmeyer, B., Bornberg-Bauer, E., Dohmen, E., Fouks, B., Heckenhauer, J., Huylmans, A.K., Jones, A.R., Stolle, E., Harrison, M.C.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Comparative Evolutionary Genomics in Insects

  • 2024/4

    Seropian, A., Bulbulashvili, N., Krammer, H., Thormann, J., Hein, N., Karalashvili, E., Kachlishvili, N., Datunashvili, A.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Picking pearls from the Silk Road: Insights into the spider (Arachnida, Araneae) diversity in Georgia from the Caucasus Barcode of Life (CaBOL) project. Part III

    Caucasiana, 3

  • 2023

  • 2023/12

    Dietz, L., Mayer, C., Stolle, E., Eberle, J., Misof, B., Podsiadłowski, L., Niehuis, O., Ahrens, D.

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    Metazoa‐level USCOs as markers in species delimitation and classification

    Molecular Ecology resources, 3, 24

  • 2023/10

    Koludarov, I., Velasque, M., Senoner, T., Timm, T., Greve, C., Hamadou, A.B., Gupta, D.K., Lochnit, G., Heinzinger, M., Vilcinskas, A., Gloag, R., Harpur, B.A., Podsiadlowski, L., Rost, B., Jackson, T.N., Dutertre, S., Stolle, E., Reumont, B.M.v.

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    Prevalent bee venom genes evolved before the aculeate stinger and eusociality

    BMC Biology, 1, 21

  • 2023/8

    Fleites-Ayil, F.A., Medina‐Medina, L.A., Euán, J.J.G.Q., Stolle, E., Theodorou, P., Tragust, S., Paxton, R.J.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Trouble in the tropics: Pathogen spillover is a threat for native stingless bees

    Biological conservation, 284

  • 2023/8

    Stolle, E., Guiglielmoni, N., Kirangwa, J., Kukowka, S., Meitzel, T., Cartney, A.M.M., Heilmann-Heimbach, S., Becker, K., Köhrer, K., Böhne, A.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Reference genome sequence of the solitary bee Camptopoeum friesei Mocsáry, 1894 (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae)


  • 2023/2

    Webster, M.T., Beaurepaire, A., Neumann, P., Stolle, E.

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    Population Genomics for Insect Conservation

    Annual review of animal biosciences, 1, 11

  • 2022

  • 2022/12

    Favreau, E., Lebas, C., Stolle, E., Priyam, A., Pracana, R., Aron, S., Wurm, Y.

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    No supergene despite social polymorphism in the big-headed ant Pheidole pallidula


  • 2022/3

    Stolle, E., Pracana, R., López‐Osorio, F., Priebe, M., Hernández, G.L., Castillo-Carrillo, C., Arias, M.C., Paris, C., Bollazzi, M., Priyam, A., Wurm, Y.

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    Recurring adaptive introgression of a supergene variant that determines social organization

    Nature communications, 1, 13

  • 2022/1

    Koludarov, I., Velasque, M., Timm, T., Lochnit, G., Heinzinger, M., Vilcinskas, A., Gloag, R., Harpur, B.A., Podsiadlowski, L., Rost, B., Dutertre, S., Stolle, E., Reumont, B.M.v.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Bee core venom genes predominantly originated before aculeate stingers evolved


  • 2022/1

    Koludarov, I., Velasque, M., Timm, T., Greve, C., Hamadou, A.B., Gupta, D.K., Lochnit, G., Heinzinger, M., Vilcinskas, A., Gloag, R., Harpur, B.A., Podsiadlowski, L., Rost, B., Jackson, T.N., Dutertre, S., Stolle, E., Reumont, B.M.v.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    A common venomous ancestor? Prevalent bee venom genes evolved before the aculeate stinger while few major toxins are bee-specific


  • 2021

  • 2021/12

    Dogantzis, K.A., Tiwari, T., Conflitti, I.M., Dey, A., Patch, H.M., Muli, E., Garnery, L., Whitfield, C.W., Stolle, E., Alqarni, A.S., Allsopp, M.H., Zayed, A.

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    Thrice out of Asia and the adaptive radiation of the western honey bee

    Science advances, 49, 7

  • 2021/6

    Séguret, A., Stolle, E., Fleites-Ayil, F.A., Quezada-Euán, J.J.G., Hartfelder, K., Meusemann, K., Harrison, M.C., Soro, A., Paxton, R.J.

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    Transcriptomic signatures of ageing vary in solitary and social forms of an orchid bee

    Genome biology and evolution, 6, 13

  • 2021/5

    Priyam, A., Witwicka, A., Brahma, A., Stolle, E., Wurm, Y.

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    Parameter exploration improves the accuracy of long-read genome assembly


  • 2020

  • 2020/8

    Martínez‐Ruiz, C., Pracana, R., Stolle, E., Paris, C., Nichols, R.A., Wurm, Y.

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    Genomic architecture and evolutionary antagonism drive allelic expression bias in the social supergene of red fire ants

    eLife, 9

  • 2020/7

    Kapheim, K.M., Jones, B.M., Søvik, E., Stolle, E., Waterhouse, R.M., Bloch, G., Ben‐Shahar, Y.

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    Brain microRNAs among social and solitary bees

    Royal Society Open Science, 7, 7

  • 2020/5

    Kapheim, K.M., Jones, B.M., Pan, H., Li, C., Harpur, B.A., Kent, C.F., Zayed, A., Ioannidis, P., Waterhouse, R.M., Kingwell, C.J., Stolle, E., Avalos, A., Zhang, G., McMillan, W.O., Wcislo, W.T.

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    Developmental plasticity shapes social traits and selection in a facultatively eusocial bee

    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 24, 117

  • 2020/0

    Saure, C., Dziock, F., Jentzsch, M., Stolle, E.

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    Rote Listen Sachsen-Anhalt: Schwebfliegen (Diptera: Syrphidae)

    Berichte des Landesamtes für Umweltschutz Sachsen-Anhalt, 1

  • 2020/0

    Saure, C., Stolle, E.

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    Rote Listen Sachsen-Anhalt: Stechwespen (Hymenoptera: Aculeata)

    Berichte des Landesamtes für Umweltschutz Sachsen-Anhalt, 1

  • 2019

  • 2019/3

    Colgan, T.J., Fletcher, I., Arce, A., Gill, R.J., Rodrigues, A.R., Stolle, E., Chittka, L., Wurm, Y.

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    Caste‐ and pesticide‐specific effects of neonicotinoid pesticide exposure on gene expression in bumblebees

    Molecular Ecology, 8, 28

  • 2019/3

    Kapheim, K.M., Pan, H., Li, C., Blatti, C., Harpur, B.A., Ioannidis, P., Jones, B.M., Kent, C.F., Ruzzante, L., Sloofman, L., Stolle, E., Waterhouse, R.M., Zayed, A., Zhang, G., Wcislo, W.T.

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    Draft Genome Assembly and Population Genetics of an Agricultural Pollinator, the Solitary Alkali Bee (Halictidae: Nomia melanderi)

    G3, 3, 9

  • 2019/1

    Aumer, D., Stolle, E., Allsopp, M.H., Mumoki, F.N., Pirk, C.W.W., Moritz, R.F.A.

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    A Single SNP Turns a Social Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Worker into a Selfish Parasite

    Molecular Biology and Evolution, 3, 36

  • 2018

  • 2018/12

    Stolle, E., Pracana, R., Howard, P.J., Paris, C., Brown, S.J., Castillo-Carrillo, C., Rossiter, S.J., Wurm, Y.

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    Degenerative Expansion of a Young Supergene

    Molecular Biology and Evolution, 3, 36

  • 2017

  • 2017/6

    McKendrick, L., Provan, J., Fitzpatrick, Ú., Brown, M.J., Murray, T.E., Stolle, E., Paxton, R.J.

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    Microsatellite analysis supports the existence of three cryptic species within the bumble bee Bombus lucorum sensu lato

    Conservation Genetics, 18

  • 2017/1

    Pracana, R., Levantis, I., Martínez-Ruiz, C., Stolle, E., Priyam, A., Wurm, Y., Ashby, B., King, K.C.

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    Fire ant social chromosomes: Differences in number, sequence and expression of odorant binding proteins

    Evolution Letters, 1

  • 2016

  • 2016/9

    Stolle, E., Pracana, R., Wurm, Y.

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    Super-scaffolding the fire ant genome and detection of chromosomal rearrangements

  • 2016/0

    Saure, C., Stolle, E.

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    Bienen (Hymenoptera: Aculeata: Apiformes)

  • 2016/0

    Stolle, E., Saure, C.

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    Wespen (Hymenoptera: Aculeata)

  • 2016/0

    Jentzsch, M., Dziock, F., Pellmann, H., Saure, C., Stolle, E.

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    Schwebfliegen (Diptera: Syrphidae)

  • 2015

  • 2015/5

    Kapheim, K.M., Pan, H., Li, ., Cai, ., Salzberg, S.L., Puiu, D., Magoc, T., Robertson, H.M., Hudson, M.E., Venkat, A., Fischman, B.J., Hernandez, A., Yandell, M., Ence, D., Holt, C., Yocum, G.D., Kemp, W.P., Bosch, J., Waterhouse, R.M., Zdobnov, E.M., Stolle, E., Kraus, F.B., Helbing, S., Moritz, R.F.A., Glastad, K.M., Hunt, B.G., Goodisman, M.A.D., Hauser, F., Grimmelikhuijzen, C.J.P., Pinheiro, D.G., Nunes, F.M.F., Soares, M.P.M., Tanaka, É.D., Simões, Z.L.P., Hartfelder, K., Evans, J.D., Barribeau, S.M., Johnson, R.M., Massey, J.H., Southey, B.R., Hasselmann, M., Hamacher, D., Biewer, M., Kent, C.F., Zayed, A., III, C.B., Sinha, S., Johnston, J.S., Hanrahan, S.J., Kocher, S.D., Wang, J., Robinson, G.E., Zhang, G.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Genomic signatures of evolutionary transitions from solitary to group living

    Science, 6239, 348


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