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Mineralogie, Hamburg

What made Earth a habitable planet?

Our research group focuses on studying the interactions between the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere with the biosphere over geological timescales, as interpreted from rocks, minerals, and meteorites. Using advanced analytical techniques in isotope geochemistry, we explore a range of topics, from the formation of terrestrial planets in the early Solar System to the evolution of Earth’s earliest surface environments where life may have originated and evolved. Additionally, we investigate the mineralisation processes of minerals crucial for a sustainable future. Central to our work is our collection of over 90,000 specimens, which, along with our developing analytical infrastructure for geochemical methods, forms the heart of our work.

Zugehörige Sammlungen


Dr. Stefan Peters

  • Leitung Museum der Natur - Mineralogie

Tel.: +49 40 238317 808
E-Mail: s.peters@leibniz-lib.de


Zur Zeit liegen keine Projekte vor


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  • 2025/2

    Stefen, C., Jentke, T., Birkwald, T., Chmieleski, J., Decher, J., Kaus-Thiel, A., Morkel, C., Thielen, J., Goldberg, R., Jakobitz, J., Atzig, H., Müller, A., Krause, R., Fichter, E., Wolfram, E., Twietmeyer, S., Stuckas, H.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Large scale monitoring of terrestrial small mammals using noninvasive sampling and COI barcoding

    Mammal Research

  • 2024

  • 2024/12

    Fischer, M., Peters, S.T.M., Herwartz, D., Hartogh, P., Di Rocco, T., Pack, A.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Oxygen isotope identity of the Earth and Moon with implications for the formation of the Moon and source of volatiles

    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 52, 121

  • 2024/10

    Peters, R., Rduch, V.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    German Barcode of Life, Entdeckung und Beschreibung neuer Arten

  • 2024/10

    Bräunig, C., Meid, S., Quast, B., Rduch, V., Grobe, P.

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    The ASV Registry: a place for ASVs to be

    Metabarcoding and Metagenomics, 8

  • 2024/9

    Bischoff, A., Patzek, M., Alosius, R.M.L., Barrat, J., Berndt, J., Busemann, H., Degering, D., Di Rocco, T., Ek, M., Gattacceca, J., Godinho, J.R.A., Heinlein, D., Krietsch, D., Maden, C., Marchhart, O., Martschini, M., Merchel, S., Pack, A., Peters, S., Rüfenacht, M., Schlüter, J., Schönbächler, M., Stojic, A., Storz, J., Tillmann, W., Wieser, A., Wimmer, K., Zielke, R.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    The anomalous polymict ordinary chondrite breccia of Elmshorn (‐6)—Late reaccretion after collision between two ordinary chondrite parent bodies, complete disruption, and mixing possibly about 2.8 Gyr ago

    Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 9, 59

  • 2024/8

    Vogel, J., Forshage, M., Bartsch, S.B., Ankermann, A., Mayer, C., Falkenhausen, P.v., Rduch, V., Müller, B., Braun, C., Krammer, H., Peters, R.S.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Integrative characterisation of the Northwestern European species of Anacharis Dalman, 1823 (Hymenoptera, Cynipoidea, Figitidae) with the description of three new species

    Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 97

  • 2024/8

    Rduch, V., Dey, L., Ghazaryan, A., Husemann, M., Iankoshvili, G., Krammer, H., Lambrecht, M., Marabuto, E., Mengual, X., Müller, B., Peters, R., Rulik, B., Salden, T., Silva-Brandao, K.L., Espeland, M., Thormann, J., Töpfer, T., Weiss, C., Zyla, D., Hein, N.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Exkursion in den Kaukasus: Der CaBOL BioBlitz 2022 in Armenien und Georgien

  • 2024/6

    Jaume-Schinkel, S., Müller, B., Avila-Calero, S., Kukowka, S., Rduch, V., Mengual, X.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Preserving morphology while extracting DNA: a non-destructive field-to-museum protocol for slide-mounted specimens

    Biodiversity Data Journal, 12

  • 2024/3

    Leibniz Research Network Biodiversity. (2024). 10 Must Knows from Biodiversity Science 2024 (Version 1). Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. 

  • 2023

  • 2023/11

    Bourlat, S.J., Koch, M., Kirse, A., Langen, K., Espeland, M., Giebner, H., Decher, J., Ssymank, A., Fonseca, V.G.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Metabarcoding dietary analysis in the insectivorous bat Nyctalus leisleri and implications for conservation

    Biodiversity Data Journal, 11

  • 2023/9

    Bischoff, A., Patzek, M., Di Rocco, T., Pack, A., Stojic, A.N., Berndt, J., Peters, S.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Saint‐Pierre‐le‐Viger (L5‐6) from asteroid 2023 CX1recovered in the Normandy, France—220 years after the historic fall of L'Aigle (L6 breccia) in the neighborhood

    10, 58

  • 2023/5

    Jafari, S., Müller, B., Rulik, B., Rduch, V., Peters, R.S.

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    Another crack in the Dark Taxa wall: a custom DNA barcoding protocol for the species-rich and common Eurytomidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea)

    Biodiversity Data Journal, 11

  • 2023/0

    Leese, F., Woppowa, L., Bálint, M., Höss, S., Krehenwinkel, H., Lötters, S., Meissner, K., Nowak, C., Rausch, P., Rduch, V., Rulik, B., Weigand, A.M., Zimmermann, J., Koschorrek, J., Züghart, W.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    DNA-basierte Biodiversitätsanalysen im Natur-und Umweltschutz: Welche Optionen haben wir für eine Standardisierung?: eine Handlungsempfehlung aus Forschung und Praxis

  • 2022

  • 2022/12

    Decher, J., Jentke, T., Hoffmann, A., Jankowiak, Ł.J., Modelska, Z., Piorkowska, K., Klappert, A., Kuzdrowska, K., Malinowska, B., Sek, O., Rychlik, L.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Diversität von Kleinsäugern im nördlichen Teil des Nationalparks Unteres Odertal

  • 2022/8

    Bischoff, A., Patzek, M., Peters, S., Barrat, J.A., Di Rocco, T., Pack, A., Ebert, S., Jansen, C.A., Kmieciak, K.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    The chondrite breccia of Antonin (L4‐5)—A new meteorite fall from Poland with a heterogeneous distribution of metal

    12, 57

  • 2022/8

    Melanism in monitor lizards (Squamata: Varanidae), with a first case in the Nile Monitor, Varanus (Polydaedalus) niloticus (Squamata: Varanidae)

    Herpetology notes, 15

  • 2021

  • 2021/12

    Böhme, W., Rduch, V.

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    Über Schweine – gelöste und ungelöste Fragen aus Südamerika. – Koenigiana 15(2): 87-96

    Koenigiana, 2, 15

  • 2021/12

    Decher, J., Jentke, T., Abu-Bakarr, I., Hoffmann, A., Klappert, A., Kowalski, G., Kuzdroska, K., Malionowska, B., Rychlik, L.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Aktualisierung unserer Kenntnisse über die Kleinsäugergemeinschaften im Nationalpark Unteres Odertal

  • 2021/9

    Pradhan, N., Norris, R.W., Decher, J., Peterhans, J.K., Gray, C.R., Bauer, G.H., Carleton, M.D., Kilpatrick, C.W.

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    Phylogenetic relationships and biogeography of the Hybomys division (Muridae: Murinae: Arvicanthini), rodents endemic to Africa's rainforests

    2, 70

  • 2021/9

    Peters, S.T.M., Fischer, M.B., Pack, A., Szilas, K., Appel, P.W.U., Münker, C., Dallai, L., Marien, C.S.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Tight bounds on missing late veneer in early Archean peridotite from triple oxygen isotopes

    Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 18

  • 2021/5

    Decher, J., Norris, R.W., Abedi‐Lartey, M., Oppong, J., Hutterer, R., Weinbrenner, M., Koch, M., Podsiadłowski, L., Kilpatrick, C.W.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    A survey of small mammals in the Volta Region of Ghana with comments on zoogeography and conservation

    Zoosystema, 14, 43

  • 2021/1

    Rduch, V., Jentke, T.

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    Alarming decline of bovids in Kasanka National Park, Zambia: A case study of the puku antelope ( Kobus vardonii )

    2, 59

  • 2020

  • 2020/9

    Monadjem, A., Richards, L.R., Decher, J., Hutterer, R., Mamba, M.L., Guyton, J., Naskrecki, P., Markotter, W., Wipfler‍, B., Kropff, A.S., Dalton, D.L.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    A phylogeny for AfricanPipistrellusspecies with the description of a new species from West Africa (Mammalia: Chiroptera)

    2, 191

  • 2020/0

    Rduch, V., Peters, R.S.

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    GBOL III: Dark Taxa–die dritte Phase der German Barcode of Life Initiative hat begonnen

    Koenigiana, 2, 14

  • 2020/0

    Hausmann, A., Krogmann, L., Peters, R.S., Rduch, V., Schmidt, S.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    GBOL III: Dark taxa: Researchers launch new BIOSCAN project that aims to illuminate thousands of new insect species on Germany's doorstep

    Barcode bulletin, 10

  • 2019

  • 2019/10

    Hutterer, R., Decher, J., Monadjem, A., Astrin, J.J.

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    A New Genus and Species of Vesper Bat from West Africa, with Notes on Hypsugo, Neoromicia, and Pipistrellus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae)

    Acta Chiropterologica, 1, 21

  • 2019/6

    Weber, N., Wistuba, R., Astrin, J.J., Decher, J.

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    New records of bats and terrestrial small mammals from the Seli River in Sierra Leone before the construction of a hydroelectric dam


  • 2018

  • 2018/4

    Nachweis der Brandmaus, Apodemus agrarius (Pallas, 1771), am Südufer des Neusiedlersees, NW Ungarn

    Säugetierkundliche Informationen, 54, 11

  • 2016

  • 2016/6

    Amori, G., Segniagbeto, G.H., Decher, J., Assou, D., Gippoliti, S., Luiselli, L.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Non-marine mammals of Togo (West Africa): an annotated checklist

    Zoosystema, 2, 38

  • 2015

  • 2015/12

    Decher, J., Hoffmann, A., Schaer, J., Norris, R.W., Kadjo, B., Astrin, J.J., Monadjem, A., Hutterer, R.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Bat Diversity in the Simandou Mountain Range of Guinea, with the Description of a New White-Winged Vespertilionid

    Acta Chiropterologica, 2, 17


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