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  • 2025/4

    Glaubrecht, M.

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    Das stille Sterben der Natur. Wie wir die Artenvielfalt und uns selbst retten.

  • 2025/3

    Raeker, J., Lord, A., Herranz, M., Giribet, G., Worsaae, K., Schmidt-Rhaesa, A.

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    The big, the small and the weird: A phylogenomic analysis of extant Priapulida

    Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 204

  • 2025/3

    Moore, J., Garilao, C., Kerbl, A.

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    An annotated catalog of Annelida types at the Museum of Nature Hamburg, Zoology. Part I: Annelida: Errantia: Aciculata: Eunicida, Myzostomida, Aciculata incertae sedis, and Errantia: Protodriliformia

    Evolutionary Systematics, 1, 9

  • 2025/3


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    A review of Anobothrus Levinsen, 1884, restricted, with reinstatement of Anobothrella Hartman, 1967 and Melythasides Desbruyères, 1978, and redescription of seven species (Annelida, Ampharetidae)

    Zootaxa, 2, 5601

  • 2025/3


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    Taxonomic notes on the genus Himantopterus Wesmael (Lepidoptera, Zygaenoidea, Himantopteridae) with descriptions of three new taxa

    Zootaxa, 2, 5601

  • 2025/3

    Böhme, W., Koppetsch, T., Trapp, B.

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    Nutzen Würfelnattern, Natrix tessellata (Laurenti, 1768), ihre Zungen zu aggressiver Anlockmimikry? Do dice snakes, Natrix tessellata (Laurenti, 1768), use their tongues for aggressive lingual luring?

    SAURIA – Zeitschrift für Terraristik & Herpetologie, 1, 47

  • 2025/3

    Kück, P., Wilkinson, M., Romahn, J., Seidel, N., Meusemann, K., Wägele, J.

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    Unraveling myriapod evolution: sealion, a novel quartet-based approach for evaluating phylogenetic uncertainty

    NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, 1, 7

  • 2025/3

    Arsic, P., Mayer, C.

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    Ali-U-Net: A Convolutional Transformer Neural Net for Multiple Sequence Alignment of DNA Sequences. A proof of concept

  • 2025/3

    Brito, J., Vega-Yánez, M.A., Guaya-Ramos, J.P., Polo, M., Koch, C., Tinoco, N., Pardiñas, U.F.J.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Soft anatomy and morphological variation in Daptomys peruviensis (Rodentia, Cricetidae), a rare ichthyomyine from the northwestern Amazonian forests

    PeerJ, 13

  • 2025/3

    Hausdorf, B.

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    Species Delimitation Using Genomic Data: Options and Limitations

    Molecular Ecology

  • 2025/3

    Shen, Y., Kaiser, C.M., Nishikawa, K., Sanamxay, D., Inthavong, P., Kaiser, H.

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    First record of Trimerodytes praemaxillaris (Angel, 1929) from Xaisomboun Province, Laos, with additional comments on morphology, natural history, and the type locality

    Herpetology Notes, 18

  • 2025/3

    Möhring, J., Hüllen, S., Martin, S., Mokodongan, D.F., Wowor, D., Schwarzer, J., Herder, F.

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    Increased phenotypic diversity as a consequence of ecological opportunity in the island radiation of Sulawesi ricefishes (Teleostei: Adrianichthyidae)

    BMC Ecology and Evolution, 1, 25

  • 2025/3


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    Three new species of flightless Cryptorhynchinae from the Caucasus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

    Zootaxa, 2, 5601

  • 2025/3

    Moritz, L., Wipfler, B., Wesener, T.

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    Protosiphonorhinus patrickmuelleri gen. et sp. nov., the first fossil member of the sucking millipede family Siphonorhinidae (Colobognatha, Siphonophorida) described from Cretaceous Myanmar amber

    Evolutionary Systematics, 1, 9

  • 2025/3

    Martínez, A., Bonaglia, S., Di Domenico, M., Fonseca, G., Ingels, J., Jörger, K.M., Laumer, C., Leasi, F., Zeppilli, D., Baldrighi, E., Bik, H., Cepeda, D., Curini-Galletti, M., Cutter, A.D., dos Santos, G., Fattorini, S., Frisch, D., Gollner, S., Jondelius, U., Kerbl, A., Kocot, K.M., Majdi, N., Mammola, S., Martín-Durán, J.M., Menegotto, A., Montagna, P.A., Nascimento, F.J.A., Puillandre, N., Rognant, A., Sánchez, N., Santos, I.R., Schmidt-Rhaesa, A., Schratzberger, M., Semprucci, F., Shimabukuro, M., Sommerfield, P.J., Struck, T.H., Sørensen, M.V., Wallberg, A., Worsaae, K., Yamasaki, H., Fontaneto, D.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Fundamental questions in meiofauna research highlight how small but ubiquitous animals can improve our understanding of Nature

    Communications Biology, 1, 8

  • 2025/2

    Wantania, L.L., Koppetsch, T., Möhring, J., Miesen, F.W., Wowor, D., Boneka, F., Herder, F.

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    Sulawesi stream fish communities depend on connectivity and habitat diversity

    Journal of Fish Biology, 106

  • 2025/2

    Meyers, E.K.M., Faure, N., Jiménez-Alvarado, D., Barker, J., Toledo-Padilla, H., Tuya, F., Pike, C., Mead, L.R., Sealey, M.J., Belén Caro, M., Jacoby, D.M.P., Olivares, F.R., Bañeras, T., Guerra-Marrero, A., Espino-Ruano, A., Castro, J.J., Bousquet, C., Giovos, I., Rödder, D., Manel, S., Deter, J., Feldheim, K.A.

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    Distinct management units for the Critically Endangered angelshark (Squatina squatina) revealed in the Canary Islands

    Conservation Genetics, 26

  • 2025/2

    Smirnov, P.A., Gonchar, A.

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    Why has the ‘miracidium’ of Notocotylidae (Trematoda: Digenea) lost all stage-specific traits?

    Parasitology research, 2, 124

  • 2025/2

    López, H., Oromí, P., Belles, X., Ylla, G., Escudero, N., Fernández, R., Böhne, A., Gut, M., Aguilera, L., Alioto, T., Ferreira, F.C., Gómez-Garrido, J., Cruz, F., Monteiro, R.

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    ERGA-BGE Reference Genome of Loboptera subterranea: a cave adapted cockroach endemic to the Canary Islands

  • 2025/2

    Bein, B., Chrysostomakis, I., Arantes, L.S., Brown, T., Gerheim, C., Schell, T., Schneider, C., Leushkin, E., Chen, Z., Sigwart, J., Gonzalez, V., Wong, N.L.W.S., Santos, F.R., Blom, M.P.K., Mayer, F., Mazzoni, C.J., Böhne, A., Winkler, S., Greve, C., Hiller, M.

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    Long-read sequencing and genome assembly of natural history collection samples and challenging specimens

    Genome Biology, 1, 26

  • 2025/2

    Celik, T., Lokovsek, T., Buzan, E., Böhne, A., Monteiro, R., Fernandez, R., Escudero, N., Gut, M., Aguilera, L., Camara Ferreira, F., Cruz Rodriguez, F., Gomez-Garrido, J., Alioto, T.S., Bortoluzzi, C.

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    ERGA-BGE genome of Coenonymphaoedippus: an IUCN endangered European butterfly species occurring in two ecotypes

  • 2025/2

    Srikampha, K., Wesener, T., Likhitrakarn, N., Sutcharit, C., Srisonchai, R.

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    The millipede genus Sphaerobelum Verhoeff, 1924, in Thailand, with descriptions of three new species (Diplopoda, Sphaerotheriida, Zephroniidae)

    Zoosystematics and Evolution, 1, 101

  • 2025/2

    Smith, S.H., Kukowka, S., Böhne, A.

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    Investigation of sex determination in African cichlids reveals lack of fixed sex chromosomes in wild populations

    Journal of Evolutionary Biology

  • 2025/2

    Mutz, T., Böhme, W.

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     Ichthyosaura as a generic nomen for the Alpine Newt (Caudata: Salamandridae): a doubtful case of literarian archeology

    Salamandra, 1, 61

  • 2025/2

    Dharmarathne, C., McLean, D.J., Michalik, P., Herberstein, M.E.

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    Sperm Transfer Under Behavioral and Morphological Constraints in the Orb‐Web Spider Genus Argiope

    Integrative Zoology

  • 2025/2

    Wan, N., Fu, L., Dainese, M., Kiær, L.P., Hu, Y., Xin, F., Goulson, D., Woodcock, B.A., Vanbergen, A.J., Spurgeon, D.J., Shen, S., Scherber, C.

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    Pesticides have negative effects on non-target organisms

    Nature communications, 1, 16

  • 2025/2

    Moreno, C., Casari, S.A., Żyła, D.

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    New Species and a New Combination in Stenopholea Herman with the First Description of Dolicaonina Larva (Staphylinidae: Paederinae: Paederini)

    Neotropical Entomology, 1, 54

  • 2025/2

    Freitas, A.V.L., Brévignon, C., Silva-Brandão, K.L.

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    Disentangling the Taxonomy of Parides burchellanus (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) and Related Taxa

    Neotropical Entomology, 1, 54

  • 2025/2

    Monsen, O., Gronvold, L., Datsomor, A., Harvey, T.N., Kijas, J., Suh, A.S., Hvidsten, T.R., Sandve, S.R.

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    The role of transposon activity in shapingcis-regulatory element evolution after whole genome duplication

    Genome Research

  • 2025/2

    Entiauspe-Neto, O.M., Giraudo, A.R., Guedes, T.B., Tiutenko, A., Borges-Martins, M., Koch, C.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Rediscovery of a rare and endangered Apostolepis (Serpentes: Dipsadidae): reassessing species boundaries and phylogenetic relationships using integrative approaches

    Salamandra, 1, 61

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