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PD Dr. Fabian Herder

  • Leitung Abteilung Wirbeltiere
  • Leitung Sektion Ichthyologie

Adenauerallee 160
53113 Bonn

Tel.: +49 228 9122 255
E-Mail: f.herder@leibniz-lib.de



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  • 2025/02

    Wantania, L.L., Koppetsch, T., Möhring, J., Miesen, F.W., Wowor, D., Boneka, F., Herder, F.

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    Sulawesi stream fish communities depend on connectivity and habitat diversity

    Journal of Fish Biology, 106

  • 2025/02

    Möhring, J., Mokodongan, D.F., Gani, A., Wowor, D., Annawaty, ., Böhne, A., Herder, F.

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    A New and Unique Species of Ricefish (Teleostei: Adrianichthyidae: Oryzias) from the Lariang River Basin, Sulawesi, Indonesia, and the First Known Sympatric Ricefish Species Pair from Sulawesi Rivers

    Ichthyology & Herpetology, 1, 113

  • 2025/03

    Möhring, J., Hüllen, S., Martin, S., Mokodongan, D.F., Wowor, D., Schwarzer, J., Herder, F.

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    Increased phenotypic diversity as a consequence of ecological opportunity in the island radiation of Sulawesi ricefishes (Teleostei: Adrianichthyidae)

    BMC Ecology and Evolution, 1, 25

  • 2023

  • 2023/08

    Flury, J.M., Meusemann, K., Martin, S., Hilgers, L., Spanke, T., Böhne, A., Herder, F., Mokodongan, D.F., Altmüller, J., Wowor, D., Misof, B., Nolte, A.W., Schwarzer, J.

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    Potential contribution of ancient introgression to the evolution of a derived reproductive strategy in ricefishes

    Genome biology and evolution, 8, 15

  • 2022

  • 2022/12

    Wasiljew, B.D., Pfaender, J., Wipfler, B., Wantania, L.L., Herder, F.

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    Functional morphology of prey capture in stream-dwelling sailfin silversides (Telmatherinidae) based on high-speed video recordings

    Zoomorphology, 3-4, 141

  • 2022/03

    Herder, F., Möhring, J., Flury, J.M., Utama, I.V., Wantania, L., Wowor, D., Boneka, F.B., Stelbrink, B., Hilgers, L., Schwarzer, J., Pfaender, J.

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    More non-native fish species than natives, and an invasion of Malawi cichlids, in ancient Lake Poso, Sulawesi, Indonesia

    Aquatic Invasions, 1, 17

  • 2022/12

    Kilian, I.C., Espeland, M., Mey, W., Wowor, D., Hadiaty, R.K., von Rintelen, T., Herder, F.

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    DNA barcoding unveils a high diversity of caddisflies (Trichoptera) in the Mount Halimun Salak National Park (West Java; Indonesia)

    PeerJ, 10

  • 2022/06

    Gani, A., Suhendra, N., Herder, F., Schwarzer, J., Mohring, J., Montenegro, J., Herjayanto, M., Mokodongan, D.F.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    A new endemic species of pelvic-brooding ricefish (Beloniformes: Adrianichthyidae: Oryzias) from Lake Kalimpa'a, Sulawesi, Indonesia

    Bonn zoological bulletin, 1, 71

  • 2022/01

    Stinnesbeck, E.S., Wägele, J.W., Herder, F., Rust, J., Stinnesbeck, W.

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    A fish-parasitic isopod (Cymothoidae) on the pachyrhizodont Goulmimichthys roberti from the lower Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) Vallecillo plattenkalk, NE Mexico

    Cretaceous Research, 129

  • 2021

  • 2021/01

    Behrens-Chapuis, S., Herder, F., Geiger, M.F.

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    Adding DNA barcoding to stream monitoring protocols – What’s the additional value and congruence between morphological and molecular identification approaches?

    PloS one, 1, 16

  • 2021/01

    Hüllen, S., Mandl, C., Geiger, M.F., Hadiaty, R.K., Wahyudewantoro, G., Ziegler, T., Herder, F.

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    On the Challenge to Correctly Identify Rasboras (Teleostei: Cyprinidae: Danioninae) Inhabiting the Mesangat Wetlands, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

    Diversity, 1, 13

  • 2021/11

    Wasiljew, B.D., Pfaender, J., Wipfler, B., Gabelaia, M., Utama, I.V., Wantania, L.L., Herder, F.

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    Sexual dimorphism in an adaptive radiation: Does intersexual niche differentiation result in ecological character displacement?

    Ecology and Evolution, 21, 11

  • 2021/12

    Spanke, T., Hilgers, L., Wipfler, B., Flury, J.M., Nolte, A.W., Utama, I.V., Misof, B., Herder, F., Schwarzer, J.

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    Complex sexually dimorphic traits shape the parallel evolution of a novel reproductive strategy in Sulawesi ricefishes (Adrianichthyidae)

    BMC ecology and evolution, 21

  • 2020

  • 2020/08

    Wasiljew, B.D., Pfaender, J., Wipfler, B., Utama, I.V., Herder, F.

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    Do we need the third dimension? Quantifying the effect of the z‐axis in 3D geometric morphometrics based on sailfin silversides (Telmatherinidae)

    Journal of Fish Biology, 2, 97

  • 2019

  • 2019/01

    Kraemer, J., Thieme, P., Hadiaty, R.K., Herder, F.

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    Structure of the andropodium of the viviparous halfbeak genus Nomorhamphus (Atherinomorpha: Beloniformes: Zenarchopteridae), endemic to Sulawesi, Indonesia.

    The Raffles bulletin of zoology, 67

  • 2019/06

    Kraemer, J., Hadiaty, R.K., Herder, F.

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    Nomorhamphus versicolor, a new species of blunt-nosed halfbeak from a tributary of the Palu River, Sulawesi Tengah (Teleostei: Zenarchopteridae)

    Ichthyological exploration of freshwaters, 1105

  • 2019/05

    Chapuis, S.B., Herder, F.

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    Adding DNA barcoding to stream monitoring protocols: Whats the additional value and congruence between morphological and molecular identification approaches?

    PloS one, 16, 1

  • 2018

  • 2018/08

    Behrens-Chapuis, S., Malewski, T., Suchecka, E., Geiger, M.F., Herder, F., Bogdanowicz, W.

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    Discriminating European cyprinid specimens by barcode high-resolution melting analysis (Bar-HRM)—A cost efficient and faster way for specimen assignment?

    Fisheries Research, 204

  • 2018/06

    Hilgers, L., Herder, F., Hadiaty, R.K., Pfaender, J.

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    Alien attack: trophic interactions of flowerhorn cichlids with endemics of ancient Lake Matano (Sulawesi, Indonesia)

    Evolutionary ecology research, 5, 19

  • 2018/09

    Miesen, F.W., Droppelmann, F., Hullen, S., Hadiaty, R.K., Herder, F.

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    An annotated checklist of the inland fishes of Sulawesi

  • 2016

  • 2016/03

    Geiger, M.F., Schreiner, C., Delmastro, G.B., Herder, F.

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    Combining geometric morphometrics with molecular genetics to investigate a putative hybrid complex: a case study with barbels Barbus spp. (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)

    Journal of Fish Biology, 3, 88

  • 2016/01

    Pfaender, J., Hadiaty, R.K., Schliewen, U.K., Herder, F.

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    Rugged adaptive landscapes shape a complex, sympatric radiation

    Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 1822, 283

  • 2015

  • 2015/05

    Geiger, M., Herder, F., Freyhof, J.

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    The FREDIE project—different lessons from a large-scale DNA barcoding campaign - Scientific abstracts from the 6th International Barcode of Life Conference / Résumés scientifiques du 6e congrès international « Barcode of Life »

    Genome, 5, 58

  • 2015/01

    Behrens-Chapuis, S., Herder, F., Esmaeili, H.R., Freyhof, J., Hamidan, N.A., Özuluğ, M., Šanda, R., Geiger, M.F.

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    Adding nuclear rhodopsin data where mitochondrial COI indicates discrepancies – can this marker help to explain conflicts in cyprinids?

    DNA Barcodes, 1, 3

  • 2015/05

    Geiger, M., Herder, F., Freyhof, J.

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    The FREDIE project-different lessons from a large-scale DNA barcoding campaign

    5, 58

  • 2015/12

    Hoese, D.F., Hadiaty, R.K., Herder, F.

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    Review of the dwarf Glossogobius lacking head pores from the Malili lakes, Sulawesi, with a discussion of the definition of the genus.

    Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 63

  • 2014

  • 2014/11

    Geiger, M.F., Herder, F., Monaghan, M.T., Almada, V., Barbieri, R., Bariche, M., Berrebi, P., Bohlen, J., Casal‐Lopez, M., Delmastro, G.B., Denys, G.P., Dettai, A., Doadrio, I., Kalogianni, E., Kärst, H., Kottelat, M., Kovačić, M., Laporte, M., Lorenzoni, M., Marčić, Z., Özuluğ, M., Perdices, A., Perea, S., Persat, H., Porcelotti, S., Puzzi, C., Robalo, J., Šanda, R., Schneider, M., Šlechtová, V., Stoumboudi, M., Walter, S., Freyhof, J.

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    Spatial heterogeneity in the Mediterranean Biodiversity Hotspot affects barcoding accuracy of its freshwater fishes

    Molecular ecology resources, 6, 14

  • 2014/11

    Larson, H.K., Geiger, M.F., Hadiaty, R.K., Herder, F.

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    Mugilogobius hitam, a new species of freshwater goby (Teleostei: Gobioidei: Gobiidae) from Lake Towuti, central Sulawesi, Indonesia.

    The Raffles bulletin of zoology, 62

  • 2014/11

    Pfaender, J., Gray, S.M., Rick, I.P., Chapuis, S., Hadiaty, R.K., Herder, F.

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    Spectral data reveal unexpected cryptic colour polymorphism in female sailfin silverside fish from ancient Lake Matano

    Hydrobiologia, 739

  • 2014/09

    Jourdan, J., Miesen, F.W., Zimmer, C., Gasch, K., Herder, F., Schleucher, E., Plath, M., Bierbach, D.

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    On the natural history of an introduced population of guppies (Poecilia reticulata Peters, 1859) in Germany.

    BioInvasions Record, 3, 3

  • 2014/05

    Huylebrouck, J., Hadiaty, R.K., Herder, F.

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    Two new species of viviparous halfbeaks (Atherinomorpha: Beloniformes: Zenarchopteridae) endemic to Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia.

    Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 62

  • 2014/11

    Pfleiderer, S.J., Geiger, M.F., Herder, F.

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    Aphanius marassantensis, a new toothcarp from the Kızılırmak drainage in northern Anatolia (Cyprinodontiformes: Cyprinodontidae)

    Zootaxa, 5, 3887

  • 2013

  • 2013/09

    Klotz, W., Miesen, F.W., Hüllen, S., Herder, F.

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    Two Asian fresh water shrimp species found in a thermally polluted stream system in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

    Aquatic Invasions, 3, 8

  • 2013/09

    Parenti, L.R., Hadiaty, R.K., Lumbantobing, D., Herder, F.

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    Two New Ricefishes of the Genus Oryzias (Atherinomorpha: Beloniformes: Adrianichthyidae) Augment the Endemic Freshwater Fish Fauna of Southeastern …

    Copeia, 3, 2013

  • 2012

  • 2012/11

    Herder, F., Schliewen, U., Geiger, M., Hadiaty, R., Gray, S., McKinnon, J., Walter, R., Pfaender, J.

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    Alien invasion in Wallace’s Dreamponds: records of the hybridogenic “flowerhorn” cichlid in Lake Matano, with an annotated checklist of fish species introduced to the Malili Lakes system in Sulawesi

    Aquatic Invasions, 4, 7

  • 2012/09

    Cerwenka, A.F., Wedekind, J.D., Hadiaty, R.K., Schliewen, U.K., Herder, F.

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    Alternative egg-feeding tactics in Telmatherina sarasinorum, a trophic specialist of Lake Matano’s evolving sailfin silversides fish radiation

    Hydrobiologia, 693

  • 2012/08

    Huylebrouck, J., Hadiaty, R.K., Herder, F.

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    Nomorhamphus rex, a new species of viviparous halfbeak (Atherinomorpha: Beloniformes: Zenarchopteridae) endemic to Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia.

    Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 2, 60

  • 2012/08

    Herder, F., Hadiaty, R.K., Nolte, A.W.

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    Pelvic-fin brooding in a new species of riverine ricefish (Atherinomorpha: Beloniformes: Adrianichthyidae) from Tana Toraja, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

    The Raffles bulletin of zoology, 2, 60

  • 2012/08

    Rintelen, T.V., Rintelen, K.V., Glaubrecht, M., Schubart, C.D., Herder, F.

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    Aquatic biodiversity hotspots in Wallacea: the species flocks in the ancient lakes of Sulawesi, Indonesia.

  • 2010

  • 2010/09

    Pfaender, J., Schliewen, U.K., Herder, F.

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    Phenotypic traits meet patterns of resource use in the radiation of “sharpfin” sailfin silverside fish in Lake Matano

    Evolutionary ecology, 24

  • 2010/00

    Herder, F., Huylebrouck, J., Busse, K.

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    Catalogue of type specimens of fishes in the Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, Bonn

    Bonn Zool Bull, 59

  • 2010/00

    Herder, F., Schliewen, U.K.

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    Beyond sympatric speciation: radiation of sailfin silverside fishes in the Malili Lakes (Sulawesi)

    Evolution in action: case studies in adaptive radiation, speciation and the origin of biodiversity

  • 2010/08

    Herder, F., Chapuis, S.

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    Oryzias hadiatyae, a new species of ricefish (Atherinomorpha: Beloniformes: Adrianichthyidae) endemic to Lake Masapi, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia.

    Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 2, 58

  • 2008

  • 2008/09

    Schwarzer, J., Herder, F., Misof, B., Hadiaty, R.K., Schliewen, U.K.

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    Gene flow at the margin of Lake Matano’s adaptive sailfin silverside radiation: Telmatherinidae of River Petea in Sulawesi

    Hydrobiologia, 205

  • 2006

  • 2006/06

    Bedrohung, Ü.z.S.u., Herder, F., Schwarzer, J., Pfaender, R.K.J.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Preliminary checklist of sailfin silversides (Teleostei: Telmatherinidae) in the Malili Lakes of Sulawesi (Indonesia), with a synopsis of systematics and threats

    Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ichthyologie, 5

  • 2006/08

    Herder, F., Freyhof, J.

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    Resource partitioning in a tropical stream fish assemblage

    Journal of Fish Biology, 2, 69

  • 2006/09

    Herder, F., Nolte, A.W., Pfaender, J., Schwarzer, J., Hadiaty, R.K., Schliewen, U.K.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Adaptive radiation and hybridization in Wallace's Dreamponds: evidence from sailfin silversides in the Malili Lakes of Sulawesi

    Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 1598, 273

  • 2005

  • 2005/00

    Barbieri, R., Herder, F., Freyhof, J.

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    Comments-On the proposed conservation of the specific name of Macropodus concolor Ahl, 1937 (Osteichthyes, OSPHRONEMIDAE).

    Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 2, 62

  • 2004

  • 2004/00

    Paepke, H., Freyhof, J., Herder, F.

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    Comments-On the proposed conservation of the specific name of Macropodus concolor Ahl, 1937 (Osteichthyes, Perciformes).

    Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 3, 61

  • 2002

  • 2002/00

    Freyhof, J., Herder, F.

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    Review of the paradise fishes of the genus Macropodus in Vietnam, with description of two new species from Vietnam and southern China (Perciformes: Osphronemidae)

    Ichthyological exploration of freshwaters, 2, 13

  • 2002/00

    Freyhof, J., Herder, F.

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    Records of Hemimyzon in Vietnam, with the description of a new species (Cypriniformes: Balitoridae)

    Ichthyological exploration of freshwaters, 1, 13

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