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Dr. André Koch

  • Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Biohistoricum
  • Postdoktorand Sektion Herpetologie

Tel.: +49 228 9122 405
E-Mail: a.koch@leibniz-lib.de



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  • 2024/09

    Koch, A.

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    Max Wilhelm Carl Weber (1852 – 1937)

  • 2024/01

    Koch, A.

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    Felix Kopstein (1893 – 1939)

  • 2024/09

    Koch, A.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Paul Benedict Sarasin (1856 – 1929) und Karl Friedrich (Fritz) Sarasin (1859 – 1942)

  • 2024/09

    Koch, A.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Kaspar Georg Karl Reinwardt (1773 – 1854)

  • 2024/09

    Koch, A.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Der Einfluss der Hamburger Handelshäuser Hagenbeck und Umlauff auf die Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde im deutschsprachigen Raum

  • 2024/11

    Koch, A., Auliya, M., Bhattacharya, S., Zia, S.Z., Mahato, S., Gangwar, R.K., Singh, N.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Conservation perceptions and attitudes regarding monitor lizards in West Bengal, India

    Nature Conservation, 56

  • 2023

  • 2023/00

    Koch, A., Schweiger, S.

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    On the Provenance of the two large Gharials in the Display Collection of the Natural History Museum Vienna

  • 2023/04

    Koch, A., Schweiger, S.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Zur Provenienz der beiden großen Gangesgaviale in der Schausammlung des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien

    Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien. Serie B für Botanik und Zoologie, 125

  • 2022

  • 2022/01

    Koch, A.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Die turbulente Geschichte des China-Alligators Mao und drei seiner Artgenossen: ein ungewöhnliches Weihnachtsgeschenk des Entomologen Hermann Höne an das Aquarium des Berliner …

    Sekretär, 22

  • 2021

  • 2021/05

    Allison, A., Avila, L.J., Burbrink, F.T., Carranza, S., Colli, G.R., Crother, B.I., Doan, T.M., Grismer, L.L., Hedges, S.B., Jadin, R.C., Joger, U., Koch, A., Lozkat, S., Meiri, S., Ota, H., Passos, P., Pyron, R.A., Dijk, P.P.v., Vences, M., Vitt, L., Wuster, W.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Statement of the SAB on taxonomic vandalism for the Reptile Database

  • 2021/00

    Quah, E., Lwin, K., Cota, M., Grismer, L., Neang, T., Wogan, G., McGuire, J., Wang, L., Rao, D., Auliya, M., Koch, A.

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    Varanus salvator

    The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, 2021

  • 2021/00

    Jacobs, H.J., Koch, A.

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    On the discovery and scientific description of the Emerald Tree Monitor, Varanus prasinus (Schlegel, 1839)

    Bibliotheca Herpetologica, 7, 15

  • 2021/00

    Quah, E., Lwin, K., Cota, M., Grismer, L., Neang, T., Wogan, G., McGuire, J., Wang, L., Rao, D., Auliya, M., Koch, A.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Varanus salvator. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e. T178214A113138439

  • 2021/00

    Allison, A., Hamilton, A., Shea, G., Tallowin, O., Auliya, M., Koch, A.

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    Varanus indicus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e. T200972722A1533318

  • 2021/00

    Shea, G., Stubbs, A., Arida, E., Koch, A.

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    Varanus rainerguentheri. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e. T83778466A83778474

  • 2021/00

    Koch, A.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Die Kobra aus Querum und die Schlangenweihe aus Formosa–Zwei zoologische Relikte der Hagenbeck’schen Völkerschauen

    Völkerschau-Objekte.–Die Lübecker Museen, Völkerkundesammlung, Lübeck

  • 2020

  • 2020/00

    Auliya, M., Koch, A.

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    Visuelle Bestimmungshilfe für die Warnarten der Welt (Gattung Varanus)

  • 2019

  • 2019/00

    Bhattacharya, S., Zia, S.Z., Mahato, S., Gangwar, R., Singh, N., Auliya, M., Koch, A.

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    Report on the Awareness Workshops “Perceptions of Wildlife Conservation of Today’s Youth in West Bengal, India, with a Focus on Monitor Lizards”

    Biawak, 2, 13

  • 2018

  • 2018/10

    Bhattacharya, S., Koch, A.

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    Hatha Jodi: An illegal trade of misused scientific facts or blindfolded myths and beliefs

    Biawak, 2, 12

  • 2018/04

    Nerz, J., Koch, A.

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    Vertebrates as prey of pitcher plants: A new case of a gecko (Lepidodactylus cf. lugubris) found in Nepenthes treubiana (Nepenthaceae) on New Guinea

    Russian Journal of Herpetology, 2, 25

  • 2018/03

    Twining, J.P., Koch, A.

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    Dietary notes and foraging ecology of south-east Asian water monitors (Varanus salvator) in Sabah, northern Borneo, Malaysia

    Herpetological Bulletin, 143

  • 2018/08

    Bhattacharya, S., Koch, A.

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    Effects of traditional beliefs leading to conservation of Water Monitor Lizards (Varanus Salvator) and threatened marshlands in West Bengal, India

    Herpetological Conservation and Biology, 2, 13

  • 2017

  • 2017/07

    Eidenmueller, B., Koch, A., Koehler, J., Wicker, R.

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    New findings on the relationships among New Guinea tree monitor lizards of the Varanus prasinus (Schlegel, 1839) complex

    Herpetozoa, 1-2, 30

  • 2017/00

    Koch, A., AridA, E.

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    A coconut-eating monitor lizard? On an unusual case of frugivory in the melanistic Sulawesi water monitor (Varanus togianus)

    Herpetological Bulletin, 139

  • 2017/00

    Koch, A., AridA, E.

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    Probably first reported case from Indonesia of a lizard (Scincidae: Lipinia sp.) being preyed upon by a spider (Sparassidae: Pandercetes sp.)

    The Herpetological Bulletin, 140

  • 2016

  • 2016/08

    Bucklitsch, Y., Böhme, W., Koch, A.

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    The Scale Morphology and Micro-Structure of Monitor Lizards (Squamata: Varanidae: Varanus spp.) and their Allies: Implications for Systematics, Ecology, and Conservation

    Zootaxa, 1, 4153

  • 2016/03

    Böhme, W., Koch, A., Ziegler, T.

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    Comment on the proposed conservation of Tupinambus indicus Daudin, 1832 (currentlyVaranus indicus; Reptilia, Squamata) by replacement of the neotype

    The Bulletin of zoological nomenclature, 1, 73

  • 2015

  • 2015/06

    Patschke, M., Böhme, W., Koch, A.

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    Integrative Taxonomic Revision of the Varanus timorensis (Gray, 1831) Group (Squamata: Varanidae)

  • 2014

  • 2014/09

    Koch, A., Schulz, S.

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    First Record of the Gekkonid Genus Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887 from Gunung Mulu National Park, Northern Sarawak, East Malaysia may Represent an Undescribed Species

    Asian Herpetological Research, 3, 5

  • 2014/01

    Koch, A.

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    Correct voucher specimen data reduce'shelf life'of undescribed species

    Herpetozoa, 3-4, 26

  • 2014/04

    Koch, A., Ernst, N., Eidenmüller, B., Kraus, F.

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    New data on the rare Varanus bogerti Mertens, 1950 and V. telenesetes Sprackland, 1991 (Squamata: Varanidae), two endemic monitor lizard taxa from island groups off …

    The Herpetological Journal, 2, 24

  • 2014/12

    Grabbe, J., Koch, A.

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    First and Repeated Cases of Parthenogenesis in the Varanid Subgenus Euprepiosaurus (Varanus indicus Species Group) and the First Successful Breeding of V. rainerguentheri in …

    Biawak - Journal for Varanid Biology and Husbandry, 2, 8

  • 2014/12

    Auliya, M., Koch, A., Bennett, D.

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    IUCN Monitor Lizard Specialist Group Established

    Biawak - Journal for Varanid Biology and Husbandry, 2, 8

  • 2013

  • 2013/00

    Koch, A., Arida, E.

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    Vernachlässigte Vielfalt in einem Biodiversitätshotspot: die Amphibien und Reptilien von Sulawesi, Indonesien

    Treffpunkt Biologische Vielfalt XIII

  • 2012

  • 2012/00

    Koch, A.

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    Discovery, Diversity, and Distribution of the Amphibians and Reptiles of Sulawesi and its Offshore Islands

  • 2012/00

    BUcKLITScH, Y., Böhme, W., Koch, A.

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    Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of monitor lizards’ scale ultrastructure: systematic implications

    Biawak, 6

  • 2012/12

    Somma, M., Koch, A.

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    New morphological and distributional data on Varanus rainerguentheri (Squamata: Varanidae), an endemic and little-known monitor lizard species of the Moluccas, Indonesia

    Salamandra, 48

  • 2012/12

    Bucklitsch, Y., Geissler, P., Hartmann, T., Doria, G., Koch, A.

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    Rediscovery and re-description of the holotype of Lygosoma vittigerum (= Lipinia vittigera) Boulenger, 1894

    Acta Herpetologica, 2, 7

  • 2012/12

    Koch, A., Huelsken, T., Hoffmann, J.

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    The Young Systematists special issue—promoting the scientific work of early career scientists in taxonomy and systematics

    Organisms Diversity & Evolution, 4, 12

  • 2010

  • 2010/04

    Boehme, W., Koch, A.

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    On the type selection and re-typification of two monitor lizard taxa (Squamata: Varanidae): Monitor bivittatus celebensis Schlegel, 1844 and Monitor kordensis Meyer, 1874; with …

    Zootaxa, 1, 2440

  • 2010/00

    Koch, A., Philipp, K., Ziegler, T.

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    The Monitor Man: a story of stunning discoveries and charismatic creatures

    Biawak, 4, 4

  • 2010/00

    Koch, A., Böhme, W.

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    Heading east: a new subspecies of Varanus salvator from Obi Island, Maluku Province, Indonesia, with a discussion about the easternmost natural occurrence of Southeast Asian …

    Russian Journal of Herpetology, 4, 17

  • 2010/05

    Koch, A., Gaulke, M., Boehme, W.

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    Unravelling the underestimated diversity of Philippine water monitor lizards (Squamata: Varanus salvator complex), with the description of two new species and a …

    Zootaxa, 1, 2446

  • 2010/00

    Nguyen, Q., Koch, A., Ziegler, T.

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    A new species of reed snake, Calamaria Boie (Squamata: Colubridae), from Central Vietnam. Hamadryad, 34

  • 2009

  • 2009/00

    Fauvel, J., Koch, A.

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    Zoo-ethnological observations in Southwest Sulawesi, Indonesia: a case study of Kembar Buaya ("monitor twins")

    Biawak, 3, 3

  • 2009/00

    Koch, A., Arida, E., Riyanto, A., Böhme, W.

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    Islands between the realms: a revised checklist of the herpetofauna of the Talaud Archipelago, Indonesia, with a discussion about its biogeographic affinities

    Bonner zoologische Beiträge, 1/2, 56

  • 2009/05

    Koch, A., Arida, E., Schmitz, A., Böhme, W., Ziegler, T.

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    Refining the polytypic species concept of mangrove monitors (Squamata: Varanus indicus group): a new cryptic species from the Talaud Islands, Indonesia, reveals the …

    Australian Journal of Zoology, 1, 57

  • 2009/00

    Koch, A., Arida, E., McGuire, J., Iskandar, D., Böhme, W.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    A new species of Calamaria (Squamata: Colubridae) similar to C. ceramensis de Rooij, 1913, from the Banggai Islands, east of Sulawesi, Indonesia

    Zootaxa, 2196

  • 2008

  • 2008/00

    Koch, A.

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    On the type specimens of the recently described Sulawesi pitviper Tropidolaemus laticinctus Kuch, Gumprecht & Melaun 2007 (Squamata: Viperidae)

    Zootaxa, 1721

  • 2008/00

    Koch, A., Ives, I., Arida, E., Iskandar, D.

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    On the occurrence of the Asiatic softshell turtle, Amyda cartilaginea (Boddaert, 1770), on Sulawesi, Indonesia

    Hamadryad, 33

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