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Elicio Eladio Tapia Caisaguano

  • Technische Assistenz

Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3
20146 Hamburg

Tel.: +49 40 238317 645
E-Mail: e.tapia@leibniz-lib.de



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  • 2024/10

    Dupérré, N., Harms, D., Crespo-Pérez, V., Tapia, E.

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    Two new species of the spider genus Loxosceles (Araneae, Sicariidae) from the Ecuadorian Andes

    Evolutionary Systematics, 8

  • 2024/01

    Dupérré, N., Tapia, E.

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    First record of the family Hahniidae in Ecuador with description of thirteen new species and three new genera (Araneae: Hahniidae)

    Taxonomy, 1, 4

  • 2023

  • 2023/00

    Dupérré, N., Tapia, E., Bond, J.

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    Review of the Spider Genus Linothele (Mygalomorphae, Dipluridae) from Ecuador—An Exceptional Case of Speciation in the Andes. Arthropoda 2023, 1, 68–341

  • 2020

  • 2020/11

    DupÉrrÉ, N., Tapia, E.

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    On the putatively incorrect identification and" redescription" of Paratropis elicioi Dupérré 2015 (Paratropididae, Araneae) with the description of two new sympatric species …

    Zootaxa, 3, 4869

  • 2020/04

    DupÉrrÉ, N., Tapia, E.

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    Megadiverse Ecuador: A review of Mysmenopsis (Araneae, Mysmenidae) of Ecuador, with the description of twenty-one new kleptoparasitic spider species.

    Zootaxa, 1, 4761

  • 2018

  • 2018/08

    Duperre, N., Tapia, E.

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    Further discoveries on the minuscule spiders from the Chocó region of Ecuador with the description of seven new species of Anapis (Araneae: Anapidae).

    Zootaxa, 3, 4459

  • 2017

  • 2017/12

    Dupérré, N., Tapia, E.

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    The goblin spiders (Araneae, Oonopidae) of the OTONGA Nature Reserve in Ecuador, with the description of seven new species

    Evolutionary Systematics, 1

  • 2017/11

    Duperre, N., Tapia, E.

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    On some minuscule spiders (Araneae: Theridiosomatidae, Symphytognathidae) from the Chocó region of Ecuador with the description of ten new species

    Zootaxa, 3, 4341

  • 2016

  • 2016/12

    Dupérré, N., Tapia, E.

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    Overview of the Anyphaenids (Araneae, Anyphaeninae, Anyphaenidae) spider fauna from the Chocó forest of Ecuador, with the description of thirteen new species

    European Journal of Taxonomy, 255

  • 2015

  • 2015/09

    Duperre, N., Tapia, E.

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    Discovery of the first telemid spider (Araneae, Telemidae) from South America, and the first member of the family bearing a stridulatory organ

    Zootaxa, 1, 4020

  • 2015/06

    Duperre, N., Tapia, E.

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    Descriptions of four kleptoparasitic spiders of the genus Mysmenopsis (Araneae, Mysmenidae) and their potential host spider species in the genus Linothele (Araneae, Dipluridae …

    Zootaxa, 3, 3972

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