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Prof. Dr. Thomas M. Kaiser

  • Leitung Sektion Mammalogie & Paläoanthropologie

Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3
20146 Hamburg

Tel.: +49 40 238317 623
E-Mail: t.kaiser@leibniz-lib.de


Zur Zeit liegen keine Projekte vor


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  • 2025/01

    Greif, M., Calandra, I., Lautenschlager, S., Kaiser, T.M., Mezane, M., Klug, C.

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    Reconstruction of feeding behaviour and diet in Devonian ctenacanth chondrichthyans using dental microwear texture and finite element analyses

    Royal Society Open Science, 1, 12

  • 2025/02

    Krings, W., Riesel, T., Kaiser, T.M., Daasch, A., Schulz-Kornas, E., Gorb, S.N.

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    The Influence of the Collective Effect of Tooth–tooth Interaction on the Feeding Efficiency of Gastropods: A Biomimetic Approach

    Journal of bionic engineering/Journal of Bionics Engineering

  • 2024

  • 2024/06

    Schulz-Kornas, E., Skiba, M.H., Kaiser, T.M.

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    Prey size reflected in tooth wear: a comparison of two wolf populations from Sweden and Alaska

    Interface Focus, 3, 14

  • 2024/09

    Kargopoulos, N., Abella, J., Daasch, A., Kaiser, T., Kampouridis, P., Lechner, T., Böhme, M.

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    The primitive giant panda Kretzoiarctos beatrix (Carnivora, Ursidae) from the hominid locality of Hammerschmiede: dietary implications

    Papers in Palaeontology, 5, 10

  • 2024/12

    Uhl, D., Wuttke, M., Aiglstorfer, M., Gee, C.T., Grandi, F., Höltke, O., Kaiser, T.M., Kaulfuss, U., Lee, D., Lehmann, T., Oms, O., Poschmann, M.J., Rasser, M.W., Schindler, T., Smith, K.T., Suhr, P., Wappler, T., Wedmann, S.

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    Deep-time maar lakes and other volcanogenic lakes as Fossil-Lagerstätten – An overview

    Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 4, 104

  • 2023

  • 2023/02

    Daume, H.V., Herr, H., Mallison, H., Glaubrecht, M., Kaiser, T.M.

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    Osteo-pathological analysis provides evidence for a survived historical ship strike in a Southern Hemisphere fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus)

    PloS one, 2, 18

  • 2022

  • 2022/11

    Winkler, D.E., Kubo, T., Kubo, M.O., Kaiser, T.M., Tütken, T.

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    First application of dental microwear texture analysis to infer theropod feeding ecology

    Palaeontology, 6, 65

  • 2022/09

    Winkler, D., Clauß, M., Kubo, M.O., Schulz‐Kornas, E., Kaiser, T.M., Tschudin, A., De Cuyper, A., Kubo, T., Tütken, T.

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    Microwear textures associated with experimental near-natural diets suggest that seeds and hard insect body parts cause high enamel surface complexity in small mammals


  • 2022/01

    Weber, K., Winkler, D., Schulz‐Kornas, E., Kaiser, T.M., Tütken, T.

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    Post-mortem enamel surface texture alteration during taphonomic processes—do experimental approaches reflect natural phenomena?


  • 2022/08

    Martin, L.F., Winkler, D.E., Ackermans, N.L., Müller, J., Tütken, T., Kaiser, T., Codron, D., Schulz-Kornas, E., Hatt, J., Clauss, M.

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    Dental microwear texture analysis correlations in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) and sheep (Ovis aries) suggest that dental microwear texture signal consistency is species-specific

    Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10

  • 2021

  • 2021/03

    Bemmann, M., Schulz‐Kornas, E., Hammel, J.U., Hipp, A., Moosmann, J., Herrel, A., Rack, A., Radespiel, U., Zimmermann, E., Kaiser, T.M., Kupczik, K.

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    Movement analysis of primate molar teeth under load using synchrotron X-ray microtomography

    1, 213

  • 2021/01

    Weber, K., Winkler, D., Kaiser, T.M., Žigaitė, Ž., Tütken, T.

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    Dental microwear texture analysis on extant and extinct sharks: Ante- or post-mortem tooth wear?


  • 2021/09

    Weber, K., Winkler, D., Schulz‐Kornas, E., Kaiser, T.M., Tütken, T.

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    The good, the bad and the ugly – A visual guide for common post-mortem wear patterns in vertebrate teeth


  • 2021/07

    Ackermans, N.L., Winkler, D., Schulz‐Kornas, E., Kaiser, T.M., Martin, L.F., Hatt, J., Clauß, M.

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    Dental wear proxy correlation in a long-term feeding experiment on sheep ( Ovis aries )

    180, 18

  • 2021/07

    Winkler, D., Clauß, M., Rölle, M., Schulz‐Kornas, E., Codron, D., Kaiser, T.M., Tütken, T.

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    Dental microwear texture gradients in guinea pigs reveal that material properties of the diet affect chewing behaviour

    13, 224

  • 2021/01

    Schultz, J.A., Anders, U., Braune, C., Brinkkötter, J., Calandra, I., Engels, S., Findeisen, E., Gailer, J.-P., Hallay, V., Hummel, J., Jäger, K., Kaiser, T.M., Kalthoff, D.C., von Koenigswald, W., Kullmer, O., Landwehr, C., Menz, U., Ruf, I., Schubert, A., Schulz‐Kornas, E., Schwermann, A.H., Schwermann, L.C., Skiba, M., Steuer, P., Südekum, K., Winkler, D., Martin, T.

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    A new facet terminology for mammalian dentitions

  • 2021/01

    Schulz‐Kornas, E., Kaiser, T.M., Calandra, I., Winkler, D.

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    A brief history of quantitative wear analysis with an appeal for a holistic view on dental wear processes

  • 2021/04

    Bethune, E., Schulz‐Kornas, E., Lehnert, K., Siebert, U., Kaiser, T.M.

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    Tooth Microwear Texture in the Eastern Atlantic Harbour Seals (Phoca vitulina vitulina) of the German Wadden Sea and Its Implications for Long Term Dietary and Ecosystem Changes


  • 2020

  • 2020/08

    Schulz‐Kornas, E., Winkler, D., Clauß, M., Carlsson, J., Ackermans, N.L., Martin, L.F., Hummel, J., Müller, D., Hatt, J., Kaiser, T.M.

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    Everything matters: Molar microwear texture in goats (Capra aegagrus hircus) fed diets of different abrasiveness


  • 2020/09

    Ackermans, N.L., Martin, L.F., Codron, D., Hummel, J., Kircher, P.R., Richter, H., Kaiser, T.M., Clauß, M., Hatt, J.

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    Mesowear represents a lifetime signal in sheep (Ovis aries) within a long-term feeding experiment


  • 2020/10

    Martin, L.F., Krause, L., Ulbricht, A., Winkler, D., Codron, D., Kaiser, T.M., Müller, J., Hummel, J., Clauß, M., Hatt, J., Schulz‐Kornas, E.

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    Dental wear at macro- and microscopic scale in rabbits fed diets of different abrasiveness: A pilot investigation


  • 2020/11

    Winkler, D., Schulz‐Kornas, E., Kaiser, T.M., Codron, D., Leichliter, J., Hummel, J., Martin, L.F., Clauß, M., Tütken, T.

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    The turnover of dental microwear texture: Testing the” last supper” effect in small mammals in a controlled feeding experiment


  • 2020/04

    Marcé‐Nogué, J., Püschel, T.A., Daasch, A., Kaiser, T.M.

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    Broad-scale morpho-functional traits of the mandible suggest no hard food adaptation in the hominin lineage

    1, 10

  • 2020/08

    Winkler, D., Tütken, T., Schulz‐Kornas, E., Kaiser, T.M., Müller, J., Leichliter, J., Weber, K., Hatt, J., Clauß, M.

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    Shape, size, and quantity of ingested external abrasives influence dental microwear texture formation in guinea pigs

    36, 117

  • 2020/06

    Hohl, C.J.M., Codron, D., Kaiser, T.M., Martin, L.F., Müller, D., Hatt, J., Clauß, M.

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    Chewing, dental morphology and wear in tapirs (Tapirus spp.) and a comparison of free-ranging and captive specimens

    6, 15

  • 2019

  • 2019/03

    Weber, K., Winkler, D., Kaiser, T.M., Tütken, T.

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    Post-mortem alteration of diet-related enamel surface textures through artificial biostratinomy: A tumbling experiment using mammal teeth


  • 2019/11

    Bethune, E., Kaiser, T.M., Schulz‐Kornas, E., Winkler, D.

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    Multiproxy dietary trait reconstruction in Pleistocene Hippopotamidae from the Mediterranean islands


  • 2019/01

    Winkler, D., Schulz‐Kornas, E., Kaiser, T.M., De Cuyper, A., Clauß, M., Tütken, T.

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    Forage silica and water content control dental surface texture in guinea pigs and provide implications for dietary reconstruction

    4, 116

  • 2019/05

    Winkler, D., Schulz‐Kornas, E., Kaiser, T.M., Tütken, T.

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    Dental microwear texture reflects dietary tendencies in extant Lepidosauria despite their limited use of oral food processing

    1903, 286

  • 2019/04

    Zhou, Z., Winkler, D., Fortuny, J., Kaiser, T.M., Marcé‐Nogué, J.

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    Why ruminating ungulates chew sloppily: Biomechanics discern a phylogenetic pattern

    4, 14

  • 2018

  • 2018/12

    Ackermans, N.L., Clauß, M., Winkler, D., Schulz‐Kornas, E., Kaiser, T.M., Müller, D., Kircher, P.R., Hummel, J., Hatt, J.

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    Root growth compensates for molar wear in adult goats (Capra aegagrus hircus)

    2, 331

  • 2018/01

    Ackermans, N.L., Winkler, D., Schulz‐Kornas, E., Kaiser, T.M., Müller, D., Kircher, P.R., Hummel, J., Clauß, M., Hatt, J.

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    Controlled feeding experiments with diets of different abrasiveness reveal slow development of mesowear signal in goats (Capra aegagrus hircus)

  • 2018/10

    DeSantis, L.R.G., Fortelius, M., Grine, F.E., Janis, C.M., Kaiser, T.M., Merceron, G., Purnell, M.A., Schulz‐Kornas, E., Saarinen, J., Teaford, M.F., Ungar, P.S., Žliobaitė, I.

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    The phylogenetic signal in tooth wear: What does it mean?

    22, 8

  • 2018/06

    Kaiser, T.M., Braune, C., Kalinka, G., Schulz‐Kornas, E.

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    Nano-indentation of native phytoliths and dental tissues: implications for herbivore-plant combat and dental wear proxies

    1, 2

  • 2018/04

    Püschel, T.A., Marcé‐Nogué, J., Kaiser, T.M., Brocklehurst, R.J., Sellers, W.I.

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    Analyzing the sclerocarpy adaptations of the Pitheciidae mandible

    5, 80

  • 2018/02

    Schultz, J.A., Menz, U., Winkler, D.E., Schulz-Kornas, E., Engels, S., Kalthoff, D.C., von Koenigswald, W., Ruf, I., Kaiser, T.M., Kullmer, O., Südekum, K., Martin, T.

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    Modular Wear Facet Nomenclature for mammalian post-canine dentitions

    Historical Biology, 1-2, 30

  • 2017

  • 2017/12

    Schulz‐Kornas, E., Braune, C., Winkler, D., Kaiser, T.M.

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    Does silica concentration and phytolith ultrastructure relate to phytolith hardness?

    4, 3

  • 2017/08

    Marcé‐Nogué, J., Püschel, T.A., Kaiser, T.M.

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    A biomechanical approach to understand the ecomorphological relationship between primate mandibles and diet

    1, 7

  • 2016

  • 2016/12

    Gailer, J.P., Calandra, I., Schulz-Kornas, E., Kaiser, T.M.

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    Morphology is not Destiny: Discrepancy between Form, Function and Dietary Adaptation in Bovid Cheek Teeth

    Journal of Mammalian Evolution, 4, 23

  • 2016/09

    Calandra, I., Labonne, G., Schulz-Kornas, E., Kaiser, T.M., Montuire, S.

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    Tooth wear as a means to quantify intra-specific variations in diet and chewing movements

    Scientific reports, 1, 6

  • 2016/04

    Winkler, D.E., Andrianasolo, T.H., Andriamandimbiarisoa, L., Ganzhorn, J.U., Rakotondranary, S.J., Kaiser, T.M., Schulz‐Kornas, E.

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    Tooth wear patterns in black rats (Rattus rattus) of Madagascar differ more in relation to human impact than to differences in natural habitats

    Ecology and Evolution, 7, 6

  • 2015

  • 2015/08

    Winkler, D.E., Kaiser, T.M.

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    Structural Morphology of Molars in Large Mammalian Herbivores: Enamel Content Varies between Tooth Positions

    PloS one, 8, 10

  • 2014

  • 2014/03

    Taylor, L.A., Müller, D.W.H., Schwitzer, C., Kaiser, T.M., Codron, D., Schulz, E., Clauss, M.

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    Tooth wear in captive rhinoceroses (Diceros, Rhinoceros, Ceratotherium: Perissodactyla) differs from that of free-ranging conspecifics

    Contributions to Zoology, 2, 83

  • 2014/03

    Gailer, J.P., Kaiser, T.M.

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    Common solutions to resolve different dietary challenges in the ruminant dentition: The functionality of bovid postcanine teeth as a masticatory unit

    Journal of Morphology, 3, 275

  • 2014/01

    Taylor, L.A.T., Müller, D.W.H., Schwitzer, C., Kaiser, T., Codron, D., Schulz-Kornas, E., Clauss, M.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Tooth wear in captive rhinoceroses (Diceros, Rhinoceros, Ceratotherium: Perissodactyla) differs from that of free-ranging conspecifics

    Contributions to Zoology, 2, 83

  • 2013

  • 2013/12

    Taylor, L.A., Kaiser, T.M., Schwitzer, C., Müller, D.W.H., Codron, D., Clauss, M., Schulz, E.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Detecting Inter-Cusp and Inter-Tooth Wear Patterns in Rhinocerotids

    PloS one, 12, 8

  • 2013/09

    Tütken, T., Kaiser, T.M., Vennemann, T., Merceron, G.

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    Opportunistic Feeding Strategy for the Earliest Old World Hypsodont Equids: Evidence from Stable Isotope and Dental Wear Proxies

    PloS one, 9, 8

  • 2013/11

    Winkler, D.E., van den Hoek Ostende, L.W., Schulz, E., Calandra, I., Gailer, J., Landwehr, C., Kaiser, T.M.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Dietary divergence in space and time – Lessons from the dwarf-goat Myotragus balearicus (Pleisto-Holocene, Mallorca, Spain)

    Mammalian Biology, 6, 78

  • 2013/01

    Kaiser, T., Mau, M.

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    Pilot study on binding of bovine salivary proteins to grit silicates and plant phytoliths

    Zoological Research, 3, 34

  • 2013/01

    Winkler, D.E., Schulz, E., Calandra, I., Gailer, J., Landwehr, C., Kaiser, T.M.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Indications for a dietary change in the extinct Bovid genus Myotragus (Plio-Holocene, Mallorca, Spain)

    Geobios, 1-2, 46

  • 2013/04

    Schulz, E., Kaiser, T.M.

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    Historical distribution, habitat requirements and feeding ecology of the genus quus (erissodactyla)

    Mammal review, 2, 43

  • 2013/03

    Schulz, E., Calandra, I., Kaiser, T.M.

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    Feeding ecology and chewing mechanics in hoofed mammals: 3D tribology of enamel wear

    Wear, 1-2, 300

  • 2013/02

    Schulz, E., Piotrowski, V., Clauss, M., Mau, M., Merceron, G., Kaiser, T.M.

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    Dietary Abrasiveness Is Associated with Variability of Microwear and Dental Surface Texture in Rabbits

    PloS one, 2, 8

  • 2013/01

    Schulz, E., Fraas, S., Kaiser, T.M., Cunningham, P.L., Ismail, K., Wronski, T.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Food preferences and tooth wear in the sand gazelle (Gazella marica)

    Mammalian Biology, 1, 78

  • 2013/01

    Kaiser, T.M., Müller, D.W.H., Fortelius, M., Schulz, E., Codron, D., Clauss, M.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Hypsodonty and tooth facet development in relation to diet and habitat in herbivorous ungulates: implications for understanding tooth wear

    Mammal review, 1, 43

  • 2012

  • 2012/11

    Kaiser, T.

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    New fossil-bearing Pleistocene cave breccias from Zambia (central Africa)

    Quaternary international, 279-280

  • 2012/10

    Braune, C., Lieberei, R., Steinmacher, D., Kaiser, T.M.

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    A simple microwave extraction method for the isolation and identification of plant opal phytoliths

    Biologia, 5, 67

  • 2012/10

    Emami, P., Kaiser, T.M., Regelsberger, J., Goebell, E., Fiehler, J., Westphal, M., Heese, O.

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    Case report: surviving a tiger attack

    Neurosurgical Review, 4, 35

  • 2012/07

    Calandra, I., Schulz, E., Pinnow, M., Krohn, S., Kaiser, T.M.

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    Teasing apart the contributions of hard dietary items on 3D dental microtextures in primates

    Journal of Human Evolution, 1, 63

  • 2012/08

    Jordana, X., Marín-Moratalla, N., DeMiguel, D., Kaiser, T.M., Köhler, M.

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    Evidence of correlated evolution of hypsodonty and exceptional longevity in endemic insular mammals

    Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 1741, 279

  • 2012/01

    Schulz-Kornas, E., Kaiser, T.

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    Historical distribution, habitat requirement and feeding ecology of the genus Equus (Perissodactyla)

    Mammal review, 1

  • 2011

  • 2011/01

    Calandra, I., Schulz-Kornas, E., Pinnow, M., Krohn, S., Kaiser, T.

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    Fruit proportion and consumption of hard items in the diets of primates correlate with microtextures

    Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2, 31

  • 2011/08

    Kahlke, R., Kaiser, T.M.

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    Generalism as a subsistence strategy: advantages and limitations of the highly flexible feeding traits of Pleistocene Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis (Rhinocerotidae, Mammalia)

    Quaternary Science Reviews, 17-18, 30

  • 2011/01

    Kaiser, T.M.

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    Feeding Ecology and Niche Partitioning of the Laetoli Ungulate Faunas

  • 2011/01

    Kaiser, T., Nieberg, C.

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    Three-dimensonal quantification of occlusal patterns in extant equids.

    Mammalian Biology, 76

  • 2011/06

    Hummel, J., Findeisen, E., Südekum, K., Ruf, I., Kaiser, T.M., Bucher, M., Clauss, M., Codron, D.

    Mehr anzeigen...

    Another one bites the dust: faecal silica levels in large herbivores correlate with high-crowned teeth

    Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 1712, 278

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