Our researchers often collaborate with partners from other countries or disciplines to answer specific research questions. Together they work on a result from different perspectives and with different competences. Our projects reflect the range of topics that our researchers are working on.
The influence of mutualistic and parasitic life forms on the diversification of butterflies
Management: Dr. Marianne Espeland
BIO-GEEC: The German-Ecuadorian Consortium for Biodiversity (Stage 1)
Management: Dr. Danilo Harms
FörTax - Promotion of taxonomic knowledge as a basis for nature conservation
Management: Dr. Katja Waskow
Morphological development of the skull of worm snakes: a comparative study
Management: Dr. Claudia Koch
Molecular phylogeny, biogeography and colour pattern evolution of the subfamily Chalcosiinae
Management: Dr. Marianne Espeland
Investigating the genomic and transcriptomic signatures of global change in a marine fish species in space and time
Management: Dr. Christoph Mayer
Evolutionary relationships and biogeography of the enigmatic West Indian butterfly genus Calisto
Management: Dr. Rayner Nunez
GIBBS (Holistic Biodiversity Management in the Building Materials Industry)
Management: Prof. Dr. Christoph Scherber
Comparative and experimental wing pattern genomics in Lepidoptera
Management: Dr. Marianne Espeland
BALIN - Insect protection at the railway station by reducing light pollution
Management: Prof. Dr. Christoph Scherber
Reconstruction of the dynamics of Cenozoic ecosystems in Europe based on arachnids preserved in amber
Management: Dr. Ulrich Kotthoff
before 2018
Systematics, reproductive biology and biogeography
Management: Prof. Dr. Matthias Glaubrecht
Evolutionary history, biogeography and systematics of land snails in Southeast Asia
Management: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Hausdorf
Systematics, distribution and ecology of land snails in Ecuador
Management: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Hausdorf
Biogeography and systematics of the land snails of the Caucasus Region
Management: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Hausdorf
Alien land snails
Management: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Hausdorf
Training Artificial intelligence models for land snail identification (TrAILSID)
Management: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Hausdorf
Causes of phylogeographic differentiation and speciation in the land snail genus Helix
Management: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Hausdorf
Spread of carnivorous land snails (Rhytididae) in New Caledonia
Management: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Hausdorf
Hybridization between land snails as a result of climatic shifts
Management: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Hausdorf
Exploring genomic methods for delimiting species in radiations of terrestrial snails
Management: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Hausdorf
Taxonomic revision of the Boaedon lineatus-fuliginosus species complex in Africa
Management: Dr. Jakob Hallermann