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Berg mit Schnee auf der Spitze

Genomics technology for the Caucasus

  • Title of the project

    Advanced genomics technology for the Caucasus region

  • Management

    Dr Jonas Astrin

  • Org. categorisation

    Directorate, Chair of Special Zoology, Biobank, Administration

Description of the

Plans include 1) a comprehensive modernisation of the research infrastructure at the ISU's molecular ecology laboratory and 2) a joint study of biodiversity and refugia in the Caucasus region. The improvement of the research infrastructure will provide modern biotechnology for researchers in the Caucasus region, including Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and Real Time PCR. Currently, these technologies are not available to scientists in the region working on biodiversity and species conservation.

As the laboratory also serves as a teaching facility for the training of students and researchers, this enhanced research capacity will also have a major impact on the technical training of Georgian students and scientists. The research conducted under this joint venture will enhance collaboration between the partners and provide opportunities for further research into biodiversity in the Caucasus, a recognised biodiversity hotspot. The targeted research under this proposal will explore cryptic refugial areas in the Caucasus to test hypotheses about the historical origins of the region's exceptionally high biodiversity.

Dr. Jonas Astrin

  • Head of Section
  • Biobank Curator

Phone: +49 228 9122 357



External team members

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