Title of the project
Unknown Germany
Coordination at the LIB
Bernhard Misof, Ralph Peters
Research initiative to identify and publicise Germany's biodiversity
While large animals and plants are largely well researched, there are huge gaps in our knowledge of invertebrates, microscopic plants, fungi and microorganisms - despite their enormous importance for ecosystems. Under the umbrella of "Unknown Germany", over 50 researchers are recording this hidden diversity.
The consortium
"Unknown Germany" comprises several research institutes.
Information on the participating institutions and the team:
Unknown Germany - Unknown Biodiversity - Unknown Habitats
The number of animal species in Germany is estimated at over 50,000. Although we know the exact numbers of some animal groups such as mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles, we have large gaps in our knowledge, especially when it comes to invertebrates. Small animals with an often hidden way of life, microscopic plants, fungi and, above all, bacteria are often overlooked. From the point of view of the little ones, Germany is largely an unknown country.
There are unknown things to discover in all of Germany's habitats. Some habitats are considered to be particularly species-rich, insufficiently studied or endangered and should therefore be specifically investigated, for example coastal marine sediments, the soil habitat and the canopy areas of forests.
Information on the project and the Unknown Germany consortium: