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  • Title of the project

    Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN)

  • Management

    Dr Jonas Astrin

  • Org. categorisation

Description of the

What is GGBN?

GGBN - a collaborative effort to cryo-preserve and provide access to genomic samples from across the tree of life:

The Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) is a global network of well-managed collections of genomic tissue samples from across the Tree of Life, benefiting society through biodiversity research, development and conservation. This network will foster collaborations among repositories of molecular biodiversity in order to ensure quality standards, improve best practices, secure interoperability, and harmonise exchange of material in accordance with national and international legislation and conventions.

What are the goals of GGBN?

Provide genome-quality samples from across the Tree of Life for research, training, and development, thereby contributing to the conservation of global genetic diversity for generations to come.

Provide open access to a global data management system hosting the aggregated primary specimen data and metadata for all the member institutions.
Develop standards for sharing DNA and tissues information. Develop best practices related to management and stewardship of genomic samples and their derivatives, including appropriate access and benefit sharing (ABS).

Promote targeted preservation of genomic samples representing a synoptic sample of Life on Earth. Recruit partners with different regional and taxonomic focus, to preserve the global genetic diversity in a concerted effort.

Dr. Jonas Astrin

  • Head of Section
  • Biobank Curator

Phone: +49 228 9122 357


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