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Morphology laboratory, Hamburg

Overview and services

At the LIB, the structure and form of organisms are investigated as part of morphological research projects. The morphology lab in Hamburg offers laboratory space, equipment and high-performance computers for data acquisition and analysis. Complementary to the focus on taxonomy and evolutionary morphology in the morphology lab in Bonn, the focus in Hamburg is on functional morphology and biomechanics.

The services of the morphology laboratory include infrastructure support as well as advice and support for researchers in the planning and implementation of morphological projects. In addition, the scientific staff of the morphology lab participates in collaborative research projects and carrys out own research. 

Utilisation and training

The morphology lab in Hamburg can be used by all LIB researchers, members of institutions with which the LIB has concluded a cooperation agreement and - within the framework of individual cooperations - also by external persons. If you are interested, please contact the lab head.

Lab users receive support from the lab team in familiarising themselves with the methods established in the morphology lab. In addition to training on the equipment and software, this also includes support in adapting methods to specific problems. Depending on demand, workshops on special methods such as computer tomography are also offered at irregular intervals.

Dr. Karolin Engelkes

  • Scientific Head of Morphology Laboratory

Phone: +49 40 238317 624


  • Melissa Aksoy

    zmb Invertebrate Genomics, Molecular Laboratory Hamburg

    Phone: +49 40 238317-560

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