- Title of the project
Recurrent phenotypic loss: genome repeatability and regulatory evolution
Dr Eckart Stolle
Org. categorisation
Comparative genomics (insects), morphology lab, Hymenoptera, bees, genomes, phenotypic loss, genome evolution
Description of the
Recurrent phenotypic loss: genome repeatability and regulatory evolution
DFG Priority Programme SPP 2349 GEvol project on the evolution of kleptoparasitism in bees and the associated recurrent phenotypic loss.
- Genome assembly and annotation
- Population genomics
- Comparative and structural genomics
- Regulatory regulation and evolution / transcriptomics / epigenomics
- Evodevo, morphology
This project is carried out in close collaboration with an associated (tandem) PhD project with Prof Katja Nowick (FU Berlin) and in collaboration with TJ Colgan (JGU Mainz) and B Wipfler (LIB, Bonn).
Nathalie Brenner
zmb Comparative Genomics - Insects Doctoral candidatePhone: +49 228 9122 407
E-mail: n.brenner@leibniz-lib.deDr. Eckart Stolle
zmb Comparative Genomics - Insects ScientistPhone: +49 228 9122 421
E-mail: e.stolle@leibniz-libDr. Benjamin Wipfler
ztm Morphology laboratory Bonn ScientistPhone: +49 228 9122 235
E-mail: benjamin.wipfler@leibniz-lib.de
External team members
- Prof Dr Katja Nowick
Nowick Group Institute of Biology - Zoology Freie Universität Berlin Professor of Human Biology
- Dr Joe Colgan
Institute of Organismic and Molecular Evolutionary Biology JGU Mainz
- Prof Dr Javier Quezada-Euán
Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, UADY, Professor of the Department of Tropical Apiculture
- Prof Breno Freitas
Universidade Federal do Ceará, UFC, Departamento de Zootecnia PhD
- Dr Francieli das Chagas
PostDoc, Comparative Genomics (Insects)