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Feld mit lila Blumen


Promotion of pest control through flower strips in the field with sugar beet

  • Title of the project

    FlowerBeet - promoting pest control through flower strips in sugar beet fields

  • Management

    Prof Dr Christoph Scherber

  • Org. categorisation

    Aphids and natural antagonists in sugar beet cultivation

Description of the

Global biodiversity crisis of unprecedented proportions

Insecticides are often used on conventional fields to control aphids. The associated negative environmental impacts can be minimised if the use of insecticides is reduced. The "FlowerBeet" project is investigating whether aphid infestation in sugar beet can be controlled by increasing the population density of natural enemies. Early infestation with aphids, in conjunction with the transmission of yellow fever viruses, leads to considerable yield losses in sugar beet. As part of the project, five metre wide flower strips are planted in the middle or at the edge of sugar beet fields. The aim is to increase the populations of beneficial insects to combat aphids and promote biodiversity in the agricultural landscape. Native plants such as cornflower, poppy, marigold and red clover are mainly cultivated in the flower strip mixtures. These plant species flower early in the year and should therefore attract beneficial insects in early spring.


We will

i) Create reference genomes and apply population genomics to current and historical samples,

ii) compare the genomic traces of population collapse and isolation to understand species-specific effects,

(iii) ecological modelling to predict resilience to future niche change in the light of genetic constitution; and

iv) derive predictions for large parts of biodiversity.

Our evidence-based biodiversity assessment strategy includes historical populations and provides important information for conserving and saving biodiversity. Our network of experts combines monitoring, genome sequencing, statistical population genome analyses and ecological niche modelling with policy makers and stakeholders in the field of biodiversity conservation.

Prof. Dr. Christoph Scherber

  • Head of Centre for Biodiversity Monitoring (zbm)

Phone: +49 228 9122 450



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