Title of the project
Exploring genomic methods for delimiting species in radiations of terrestrial snails
Prof Dr Bernhard Hausdorf
Org. categorisation
Malacology, land snails
Description of the
Much of the existing biodiversity remains unexplored. We need methods to improve and speed up species delimitation and identification. Genomic data have great potential for this, as they can be generated in a standardised way for different taxa. Analytical tools for species delimitation that allow the integration of genomic data with other types of data for species delimitation and identification need to be developed and improved.
We will use ddRAD sequencing to generate genome-wide data, and develop and improve analytical methods for delimiting closely related species with such data. We will apply integrative approaches to species delimitation, using genomic data in combination with other types of data, such as geographical data. In the second phase of the project, we will use such approaches to study the taxonomy and evolutionary and biogeographic history of land snail radiations in Java (Indonesia). We will compare the distribution patterns of different land snail groups to see if they are congruent and the result of the same events, or if the different groups have idiosyncratic evolutionary histories.
Project results
Hausdorf, B. & Hennig, C. 2020. species delimitation and geography. Mol. Ecol. Resour.", 20: 950-960.
Bamberger, S., Xu, J. & Hausdorf, B. 2022. Evaluation of methods for species delimitation in radiations: The land snail Albinaria cretensis complex in Crete. Syst. Biol. 71: 439-460.
Becher, E., Bamberger, S. & Hausdorf, B. 2024. Phylogeny and species delimitation in Albinaria from western Crete (Gastropoda: Clausiliidae). Zool. J. Linnean Soc.
External team members
Elisa Becher
Employee of the project