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A nationwide initiative for the training of species experts

  • Title of the project

    KennArt - A nationwide initiative for the training of species experts

  • Management

    Albia Consul

  • Org. categorisation

    Taxonomy, biodiversity, species conservation, beetles, Hymenoptera

Description of the

More taxonomic experts for nature conservation

Not only species diversity, but also species knowledge and taxonomic experts are in sharp decline. To counteract this loss, we are coordinating training courses to establish taxonomic experts in collaboration with the NABU Münsterland Nature Conservation Centre.
Over the next few years, a multi-stage training system with basic, advanced and expert courses for various groups of organisms with a focus on insects is to be developed and trialled throughout Germany. The courses consist of face-to-face events with lectures and identification exercises, excursions and a self-study phase.
KennArt is aimed at employees of nature conservation and forestry authorities, planning offices and environmental organisations as well as scientific institutions and all interested students and people with previous knowledge. In addition to the training, there is also the option of acquiring a certification that proves the level of knowledge.
In order to maintain the courses in the long term, KennArt works with the universities to adapt the courses to the individual study regulations and thus develop a supplementary programme for students.

Albia Consul

  • Coordinator FOGS & KennArt Project

Phone: +49 228 9122 359



External team members

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