- Title of the project
FINKA - Promotion of insect pests in arable crops
Prof Dr Christoph Scherber
Org. categorisation
Insects, mass sampling with insect traps (VaneTraps, Pitfall traps)
Description of the
The "FINKA" project, which involves farmers, scientists and advisors in equal measure, is aimed at finding solutions to promote biodiversity in real agricultural systems.
As part of the project, 30 conventional farmers are refraining from using plant protection products (PPPs) against insects and weeds on a trial area. They are being advised by organic colleagues from their region. In exchange for the use of PPPs, they provide certain agricultural machinery, such as a harrow, for weed control. Together, they exchange technical information on how the elimination of these PPPs can be implemented in terms of business and labour economics. The 30 pairs of farms will work together at least until the end of the project in 2025.
The FINKA project will also scientifically analyse the effects of the changed cultivation methods on arable companion plants and thus also on insect diversity. Two project partners will be carrying out targeted studies over the next few years. Using special traps, nesting aids and listening devices as well as wildlife cameras, insects will be identified on the FINKA trial plots in order to observe the changes in the number and species of insects occurring here. At the same time, the changing arable flora is being recorded.
Research question:
What effects does the avoidance of chemically synthesised insecticides and herbicides have on insect diversity and arable flora?
Project objectives:
1) Increasing biodiversity on arable land by reducing pesticides
2) Initiating a broad discussion in agriculture on the promotion of insect diversity
The Centre for Biodiversity Monitoring at the Koenig Zoological Research Museum is carrying out the faunistic evaluation and investigating the effects of the various forms of management on insect diversity. At the same time, the University of Göttingen is carrying out the floristic evaluation.
- Head of Centre for Biodiversity Monitoring (zbm)
Phone: +49 228 9122 450
E-Mail: c.scherber@leibniz-lib.de
Claudia Bohacz
zbm Applied & Experimental Ecology Doctoral candidatePhone: +49 228 9122 412
E-mail: c.bohacz@leibniz-lib.deDr. David Ott
zbm Applied & Experimental Ecology ScientistPhone: +49 228 9122 452
E-mail: d.ott@leibniz-lib.deProf. Dr. Christoph Scherber
zbm Center for Biodiversity Monitoring & Conservation Research (zbm) Deputy DirectorPhone: +49 228 9122 450
E-mail: c.scherber@leibniz-lib.de