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Visitor and educational research, Bonn

An ear, eye and heart for the needs and requirements of our visitors

The Visitor and Educational Research team seek to continually improve the museum's offerings and contribute to the development of new, effective offerings. We see ourselves as an interface between the museum and our visitors and bring both perspectives together. We seek to incorporate the perspectives, needs and requirements of a wide range of audiences into the LIB's strategic planning and development processes on a fact-based basis. 
Our visitor-orientation is based on site-specific visitor research and evaluations at different stages in the life cycle of our exhibitions, offerings and programs. We also supervise student projects and work with partners on education and impact research projects.


We work closely with the Education & Outreach and Exhibition departments at the Center for Knowledge Transfer (zwt), but also cooperate across centers within the LIB. 
We are actively involved in the Leibniz Centre of Excellence for Museum Education (BiM). We also cooperate with other museums, research institutions and universities in Germany and abroad for joint research projects and comparative analyses in the fields of visitor and educational research.

Contact person

Dr. Inga Specht

  • Head of Department "Visitor and Educational Research"

Phone: +49 228 9122 388



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  • 2023/10

    Specht, I., Bonnes, J.

    Show more...

    Museumsführungen und ihr Beitrag zu sozialer Interaktion und positiven Erfahrungen im Museum aus Sicht der Vermittelnden

  • 2023/3

    Specht, I., Loreit, F.

    Show more...


  • 2022

  • 2022/6

    Thoma, G., Kampschulte, L., Specht, I., Schwan, S., Lewalter, D., Köller, O.

    Show more...

    Wer geht in welches Museum? Vergleichende Besucherstrukturanalyse in den acht Forschungsmuseen der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

  • 2021

  • 2021/11

    Specht, I., Loreit, F.

    Show more...

    Empirical Knowledge About Person-Led Guided Tours in Museums: A Scoping Review

    Journal of Interpretation Research, 2, 26

  • 2021/11

    Mohajerzad, H., Specht, I.

    Show more...

    „Vertrauen in Wissenschaft“ als komplexes Konzept

  • 2021/9

    Lewalter, D., Specht, I., Noschka-Roos, A.

    Show more...

    Zwischen Instruktion und Partizipation


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