Title of the project
BGE - Biodiversity Genomics Europe
Dr Sarah Bourlat
Dr habil. Astrid Böhne
- Org. categorisation
Conservation of biodiversity, barcoding
Description of the
The Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE) project aims to accelerate the application of genomics research to improve the understanding of biodiversity, monitor biodiversity change and guide action to combat its decline across Europe. BGE brings together two networks: iBOL, which focuses on DNA barcoding, and ERGA, which focuses on genome sequencing.
We will 1) Provide museum samples for DNA barcoding to complete the inventory of life in Europe and lay the foundations for a global biodiversity biosurveillance system. 2) We will support citizen science activities to create a better dialogue between society and scientific networks on the genomics of biodiversity.
- Head of metabarcoding section
- Deputy ombudsperson for good scientific practice
Phone: +49 228 9122 353
E-Mail: s.bourlat@leibniz-lib.de
Dr. Sarah Bourlat
zbm Metabarcoding ScientistPhone: +49 228 9122 353
E-mail: s.bourlat@leibniz-lib.deDr. habil. Astrid Böhne
zmb Comparative Genomics - Vertebrates ScientistPhone: +49 228 9122 365
E-mail: a.boehne@leibniz-lib.deDr. Carolina Corrales Duque
zbm Metabarcoding ScientistPhone: +49 228 9122 420
E-mail: c.corrales@leibniz-lib.deDr. Marianne Espeland
ztm Lepidoptera & Trichoptera ScientistPhone: +49 228 9122 220
E-mail: m.espeland@leibniz-lib.deDr. Ralph S. Peters
ztm Hymenoptera ScientistPhone: +49 228 9122 290
E-mail: r.peters@leibniz-lib.deRita Mafalda Soares Monteiro
zmb Comparative Genomics - Vertebrates ScientistPhone: +49 228 9122 369
E-mail: r.monteiro@leibniz-lib.de