Reading out genetic information
DNA and RNA contain a wealth of information about how changes in nature affect organisms and the extent to which all species and strains of life are related to each other. By reading out genetic information, natural reservoirs of potential pathogens can also be decoded. At the Centre for Molecular Biodiversity Research (zmb) , our scientists use a comprehensive technical infrastructure.
Methods and techniques
Using various methods and techniques, some of which they have developed themselves, they generate molecular reference data and analyse samples from recent monitoring programmes as well as historical specimens from scientific collections. The information obtained provides them with the basis for analysing molecular and morphological changes in species or for differentiating between species.
The enormous amounts of data generated during sequencing are analysed on our own high-performance computers, linked together and processed for further investigations. The biobank at the zmb stores tens of thousands of valuable tissue, DNA and RNA samples as well as thousands of cell cultures in ultra-low temperatures as a collection for future generations of researchers.
Sections | of 11
Center for Molecular Biodiversity Research (zmb)
BonnCenter for Molecular Biodiversity Research (zmb)
Comparative Genomics - Vertebrates - Bonn
BonnCenter for Molecular Biodiversity Research (zmb)
Comparative genomics of insects - Bonn
BonnCenter for Molecular Biodiversity Research (zmb)
Bioinformatics, HPC
BonnCenter for Molecular Biodiversity Research (zmb)
Statistical Phylogenomics and Machine Learning
BonnCenter for Molecular Biodiversity Research (zmb)
Evolutionary Genomics - Bonn
BonnCenter for Molecular Biodiversity Research (zmb)
Leibniz Junior Research Group - Minnows
HamburgCenter for Molecular Biodiversity Research (zmb)
Phylogenetics and Phylogenomics
Center for Molecular Biodiversity Research (zmb)
Central unitsBiobank
HamburgCenter for Molecular Biodiversity Research (zmb)
Central unitsInvertebrate Genomics, Molecular Laboratory Hamburg
BonnCenter for Molecular Biodiversity Research (zmb)
Central unitsMolecular Evolution, Molecular Laboratory Bonn
- Head of Centre for Molecular Biodiversity Research (zmb)
- Head of Section Molecular Biodiversity
Phone: +49 228 9122 289
Contact for enquiries

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Unraveling myriapod evolution: sealion, a novel quartet-based approach for evaluating phylogenetic uncertainty
NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, 1, 7
Ali-U-Net: A Convolutional Transformer Neural Net for Multiple Sequence Alignment of DNA Sequences. A proof of concept
Increased phenotypic diversity as a consequence of ecological opportunity in the island radiation of Sulawesi ricefishes (Teleostei: Adrianichthyidae)
BMC Ecology and Evolution, 1, 25
Three new species of flightless Cryptorhynchinae from the Caucasus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
Zootaxa, 2, 5601
Sulawesi stream fish communities depend on connectivity and habitat diversity
Journal of Fish Biology, 106
ERGA-BGE Reference Genome of Loboptera subterranea: a cave adapted cockroach endemic to the Canary Islands
Long-read sequencing and genome assembly of natural history collection samples and challenging specimens
Genome Biology, 1, 26
ERGA-BGE genome of Coenonymphaoedippus: an IUCN endangered European butterfly species occurring in two ecotypes
Investigation of sex determination in African cichlids reveals lack of fixed sex chromosomes in wild populations
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
The role of transposon activity in shapingcis-regulatory element evolution after whole genome duplication
Genome Research
A New and Unique Species of Ricefish (Teleostei: Adrianichthyidae: Oryzias) from the Lariang River Basin, Sulawesi, Indonesia, and the First Known Sympatric Ricefish Species Pair from Sulawesi Rivers
Ichthyology & Herpetology, 1, 113
Genomic Insights From Natural History Collections Reveal Cryptic Speciation in Coral Guard Crabs (Family: Trapeziidae)
Ecology and Evolution, 2, 15
Time-resolved oxidative signal convergence across the algae–embryophyte divide
Nature communications, 1, 16
A chromosome-level, haplotype-resolved genome assembly and annotation for the Eurasian minnow (Leuciscidae: Phoxinus phoxinus) provide evidence of haplotype diversity
Gigascience, 14
Three Novel Spider Genomes Unveil Spidroin Diversification and Hox Cluster Architecture: Ryuthela nishihirai (Liphistiidae), Uloborus plumipes (Uloboridae) and Cheiracanthium punctorium (Cheiracanthiidae)
Molecular Ecology resources, 1, 25
Pan-phylum genomes of hornworts reveal conserved autosomes but dynamic accessory and sex chromosomes
Nature Plants
Photosymbiosis shaped animal genome architecture and gene evolution as revealed in giant clams
Communications Biology, 1, 8
FOGS: A SNPSTR Marker Database to Combat Wildlife Trafficking and a Cell Culture Bank for Ex‐Situ Conservation
Molecular Ecology resources
ERGA-BGE genome of Erebia palarica Chapman, 1905: a montane butterfly endemic to North-West Iberia
ERGA-BGE genome of the Spanish Moon MothGraellsia isabellaeGraells, 1849: a nocturnal lepidopteran protected by the Habitats Directive
ERGA-BGE genome of Stigmatoteuthis arcturi Robson, 1948: the jewelled squid
Comparison of whole genome sequencing performance from fish swabs and fin clips
BMC Research Notes, 1, 18
Comparative Genomics Points to Ecological Drivers of Genomic Divergence Among Intertidal Limpets
Molecular Ecology resources
The evolution of wasp mimicry and biogeography in the genus Temnostoma (Diptera: Syrphidae)
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
A high-quality reference genome for the Ural Owl (Strix uralensis) enables investigations of cell cultures as a genomic resource for endangered species
ERGA-BGE genome of Cheirolophustagananensis: an IUCN endangered shrub endemic to the Canary Islands
ERGA-BGE genome of Androsace saussurei Dentant, Lavergne, F. C. Boucher & S. Ibanez, a recently described plant from the rooftops of Europe
ERGA-BGE genome of Pinctada radiata (Leach, 1814): one of the first Lessepsian migrants
ERGA-BGE Reference Genome of Phyllidia flava (Nudibranchia: Phyllidiidae), a Relict Species Endemic to the Mediterranean Sea
Chromosome-level genome assembly of the morabine grasshopper Vandiemenella viatica19
Scientific data, 1, 11