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Mammalogy, Bonn

Diversity and ecosystem function of small mammals in the Lower Oder Valley National Park - a German-Polish joint project (2022-2026)

In this five-year research project, terrestrial small mammals are recorded every summer in a variety of habitat types, and species diversity, abundance and habitat preferences are determined. A comparison with studies from the 1990s will allow conclusions to be drawn about changes in the small mammal fauna in the Lower Oder Valley over the last 30 years. The main aim of our project is to gain a better understanding of the distribution and ecology of small mammals in the Lower Oder Valley National Park. The updated knowledge should also contribute to the effective management of small mammal populations and the organisms that depend on them in the Lower Oder Valley National Park.

Long-term small mammal monitoring in the Urft floodplain in the Eifel National Park

As a continuation of Janine Schmidt's master's thesis on the small mammal fauna of the Eifel National Park (Schmidt 2016 - LINK TO PUBLICATION in DECHENIANA), the Urft floodplain near Gemünd, Eifel, is sampled every year in June as part of a 3-day student excursion with approx. 100 live traps. Special attention is paid to the occurrence of the water and marsh shrew (genus Neomys) and the dynamics of the small mammal population since the flood in summer 2021.

Understanding the effects of climate change

Recent climate and environmental changes caused by humans can also be recorded and evaluated. Large species, African ungulates and primates, marine mammals and bats are particular focal points of the collection. There is an extensive, well-documented collection of mammal skeletons - one of the most important in Germany. There is also a variety of skins as well as a collection of organs and embryos.

Mammals & mammal conservation in Ghana

This longer-term project is based on comprehensive literature research, processing of museum data and the results of several small mammal surveys by Jan Decher and colleagues in Ghana, most recently in 2018 to Ankasa and Atewa, as part of the collecting trip for the Museum Koenig Bonn rainforest exhibition. - A first biodiversity study with our data from 2018 was published for the Atewa Forest Reserve, which is acutely threatened by bauxite mining (Lindsell et al. 2019 - LINK)

Related collections

Contact person

Dr. Jan Decher

  • Head of Section Mammalogy Bat Banding Centre

Phone: +49 228 9122 262




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