Research interests
As a molecular and evolutionary biologist, I am fascinated by the phenotypic diversity on our planet. I combine molecular data such as genome or transcriptome sequences with bioinformatics to understand how genomes and their evolutionary changes contribute to apparent phenotypic differences.
My search for patterns in genomes that contribute to biodiversity motivates my research, which generally involves molecular biology, comparative and evolutionary genomics, transcriptome analyses and speciation research.
One of my current research foci is on one of the most important phenotypic differences that can exist within a species, that between the sexes. I am investigating this phenomenon in the largest vertebrate group, the fish. Here I am primarily concerned with the evolution of sex chromosomes and their influence on speciation.
In my group, we also study other adaptations of vertebrate groups and try to link these to patterns in the genome. In several projects we deal with collection material and try to obtain as much genetic information as possible. This helps us to record changes in genetic diversity along different time scales.
SynSex - Sexual selection and conflict in Syngnathidae
Management: Dr. habil. Astrid Böhne
BIGFOOT - BIodiversity decline's Genomic FOOTprint
Management: Dr. habil. Astrid Böhne
Management: Dr. habil. Astrid Böhne
ERGA - The European Reference Genome Atlas
Management: Dr. habil. Astrid Böhne
BGE - Biodiversity Genomics Europe
Management: Dr. habil. Astrid Böhne
Hybrid swarm evolution in minnows
Management: Dr. Madlen Stange
Sex chromosomes in cichlids
Management: Dr. habil. Astrid Böhne
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A chromosome-level, haplotype-resolved genome assembly and annotation for the Eurasian minnow (Leuciscidae: Phoxinus phoxinus) provide evidence of haplotype diversity
Gigascience, 14
ERGA-BGE genome of Erebia palarica Chapman, 1905: a montane butterfly endemic to North-West Iberia
ERGA-BGE genome of the Spanish Moon MothGraellsia isabellaeGraells, 1849: a nocturnal lepidopteran protected by the Habitats Directive
ERGA-BGE Reference Genome of Loboptera subterranea: a cave adapted cockroach endemic to the Canary Islands
A high-quality reference genome for the Ural Owl (Strix uralensis) enables investigations of cell cultures as a genomic resource for endangered species
ERGA-BGE genome of Cheirolophustagananensis: an IUCN endangered shrub endemic to the Canary Islands
ERGA-BGE genome of Androsace saussurei Dentant, Lavergne, F. C. Boucher & S. Ibanez, a recently described plant from the rooftops of Europe
ERGA-BGE genome of Pinctada radiata (Leach, 1814): one of the first Lessepsian migrants
ERGA-BGE Reference Genome of Phyllidia flava (Nudibranchia: Phyllidiidae), a Relict Species Endemic to the Mediterranean Sea
Long-read sequencing and genome assembly of natural history collection samples and challenging specimens
Genome Biology, 1, 26
ERGA-BGE genome of Coenonymphaoedippus: an IUCN endangered European butterfly species occurring in two ecotypes
Investigation of sex determination in African cichlids reveals lack of fixed sex chromosomes in wild populations
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
A New and Unique Species of Ricefish (Teleostei: Adrianichthyidae: Oryzias) from the Lariang River Basin, Sulawesi, Indonesia, and the First Known Sympatric Ricefish Species Pair from Sulawesi Rivers
Ichthyology & Herpetology, 1, 113
The European Reference Genome Atlas: piloting a decentralised approach to equitable biodiversity genomics
npj Biodiversity, 1, 3
Contextualising samples: supporting reference genomes of European biodiversity through sample and associated metadata collection
npj Biodiversity, 1, 3
Introgression dynamics of sex-linked chromosomal inversions shape the Malawi cichlid adaptive radiation
ERGA-BGE genome ofValencia hispanica(Valenciennes, 1826): a critically endangered Iberian toothcarp
ERGA-BGE Reference Genome of Gluvia dorsalis: An Endemic Sun Spider from Iberian Arid Regions
ERGA-BGE Reference Genome of the Northern chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra): Europe’s most abundant mountain ungulate
ERGA-BGE Reference Genome of the Striped Field Mouse (Apodemus agrarius), a Widespread and Abundant Species in Central and Eastern Europe
No evidence for sex chromosomes in natural populations of the cichlid fishAstatotilapia burtoni
G3, 3, 13
Potential contribution of ancient introgression to the evolution of a derived reproductive strategy in ricefishes
Genome biology and evolution, 8, 15
How genomics can help biodiversity conservation
Trends in Genetics, 7, 39
Reference genome sequence of the solitary bee Camptopoeum friesei Mocsáry, 1894 (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae)
Editorial: Advantages, limitations, and evolutionary constraints of asexual reproduction: An empirical approach
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11
Evaluating the role of sexual antagonism in the evolution of sex chromosomes: new data from fish
Current Opinion in Genetics & Development, 81
Sexual antagonism and sex determination in three syngnathid species alongside a male pregnancy gradient
Evidence for selfing in a vertebrate from whole-genome sequencing
Genome Research, 12, 33
Immunological tolerance in the evolution of male pregnancy
Molecular ecology, 4, 32
Inflammation and convergent placenta gene co-option contributed to a novel reproductive tissue
Current Biology, 3, 32
The era of reference genomes in conservation genomics
Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 3, 37
Dynamics of sex chromosome evolution in a rapid radiation of cichlid fishes
Science advances, 36, 7
Sex-biased gene expression and recent sex chromosome turnover
Philosophical transactions - Royal Society. Biological sciences, 1833, 376
Gene expression dynamics during rapid organismal diversification in African cichlid fishes
Nature ecology & evolution, 2, 5
The genomic timeline of cichlid fish diversification across continents
1, 11
Drivers and dynamics of a massive adaptive radiation in cichlid fishes
7840, 589
Gene expression remodelling and immune response during adaptive divergence in an African cichlid fish
1, 30
Repeated Evolution Versus Common Ancestry: Sex Chromosome Evolution in the Haplochromine CichlidPseudocrenilabrus philander
2, 11
Time matters! Developmental shift in gene expression between the head and the trunk region of the cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni
1, 20