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Herpetology, Bonn

Amphibians & Reptiles

The Herpetology Section specialises in amphibians and reptiles from all over the world, but mainly from Europe, Africa, South America, the Middle East and South-East Asia.

Research focuses on taxonomy, diversity, auto-/synoecology, macro-ecology, species conservation, biogeography, species distribution modelling, evolution and phylogenetics.

The constantly growing scientific collection, which currently comprises > 110,000 specimens, is curated by PD Dr Dennis Rödder and Dr Claudia Koch.

Both curators are involved in university teaching and offer seminars, block modules, and excursions for the BSc Biology and OEP MSc degree programmes at the University of Bonn. Final theses (Bachelor/Master) and PhD theses are also supervised.

Innovative methods in morphology, taxonomy, and systematics

Every year, several hundred new amphibian and reptile species are described worldwide. The LIB makes an important contribution to this; since its foundation, type material of more than 700 taxa has been deposited in our section, including over 350 primary types (i.e. holo-, lecto-, and neotypes) and almost 100 syntypes. To identify new species, we use state-of-the-art molecular biology techniques (genetics, genomics, phylogenetics) as well as computer-aided imaging techniques such as µCT-based 3D reconstructions.

Computer-aided analyses in biogeography, evolutionary ecology, and conservation research

We investigate the effects of climate and land-use changes on different time scales, from currently observable distribution shifts and rather short-term distribution dynamics of (invasive) species (several years to decades) to evolutionary adaptations during speciation (several million years). Amphibians and reptiles are particularly suitable for this purpose, as they are highly dependent on environmental factors. Special attention has always been paid to the search for causal ecological mechanisms that determine distribution and abundance patterns in relation to environmental factors. We use the knowledge gained to make forecasts for the future and to become involved in international nature conservation.

Teaching programmes

Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Supervision of project work and theses

Bachelor Biology  OEP Biology Master  PhD programme

  • OEP-A23 Advanced Bioinformatics in Phylogenetics, Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity research:

    • Introduction to Scientific Programming in R (seminar/exercise)

    • Introduction to GIS / species distribution modelling (seminar/exercise)

    OEP-B30 Advanced Course in Combining Field and Lab Techniques and Methods in Organismic Biology, Evolutionary Biology or Paleobiology

    OEP-C02 / WBIO-F-02: Zoogeography and ecology of marine organisms in tropical habitats (with an excursion to the Red Sea, Dahab/Egypt) (Seminar/Excursion)

    OEP-C07 Biodiversity of the Tropics, with a Field Trip to Ecuador (Seminar/Excursion)

    OEP-B16 Evolution, and Biodiversity of Lower Vertebrates (block course)

    OEP-B19 Patterns and Processes Shaping Biodiversity (Seminar)

    WBIO-E-01 Free practical courses for BSc Biology

Related collections

Contact person

Dr. Claudia Koch

  • Curator Herpetology
  • Radiation Protection Officer
  • Head of Animal Husbandry

Phone: +49 228 9122 234

Contact person

PD Dr. Dennis Rödder

  • Head of Section Herpetology

Phone: +49 228 9122 252

["English"] WCH10
International networking: Members of Herpetology Bonn at the 10th World Congress of Herpetology in Borneo
["English"] Digitales Museum
We use big data and analyze evolutionary and biogeographical patterns
["English"] Polychrus peruvianus
Peruvian Bush Anole (Polychrus peruvianus)
["English"] Epictia antoniogarciai
The blind snake species Epictia antoniogarciai was discovered in 2015 in Cajamarca, Peru by researchers from the Museum Koenig
["English"] Liotyphlops beui
µCT scan of the head of a blind snake (Liotyphlops beui)
["English"] WCH10
International networking: Members of Herpetology Bonn at the 10th World Congress of Herpetology in Borneo
["English"] Digitales Museum
We use big data and analyze evolutionary and biogeographical patterns
["English"] Polychrus peruvianus
Peruvian Bush Anole (Polychrus peruvianus)
["English"] Epictia antoniogarciai
The blind snake species Epictia antoniogarciai was discovered in 2015 in Cajamarca, Peru by researchers from the Museum Koenig
["English"] Liotyphlops beui
µCT scan of the head of a blind snake (Liotyphlops beui)



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  • 2025/3

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  • 2025/3

    Brito, J., Vega-Yánez, M.A., Guaya-Ramos, J.P., Polo, M., Koch, C., Tinoco, N., Pardiñas, U.F.J.

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  • 2025/3

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  • 2025/2

    Meyers, E.K.M., Faure, N., Jiménez-Alvarado, D., Barker, J., Toledo-Padilla, H., Tuya, F., Pike, C., Mead, L.R., Sealey, M.J., Belén Caro, M., Jacoby, D.M.P., Olivares, F.R., Bañeras, T., Guerra-Marrero, A., Espino-Ruano, A., Castro, J.J., Bousquet, C., Giovos, I., Rödder, D., Manel, S., Deter, J., Feldheim, K.A.

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    Mutz, T., Böhme, W.

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     Ichthyosaura as a generic nomen for the Alpine Newt (Caudata: Salamandridae): a doubtful case of literarian archeology

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  • 2025/2

    Entiauspe-Neto, O.M., Giraudo, A.R., Guedes, T.B., Tiutenko, A., Borges-Martins, M., Koch, C.

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  • 2025/2

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    Systematics of the Little Red Tree Frog, Litoria rubella (Anura: Pelodryadidae), with the description of two new species from eastern Australia and arid Western Australia

    Zootaxa, 2, 5594

  • 2025/1

    da Silva Junior, M.B., Costa, R.N., Dias, I.R., Pendu, Y.L., Solé, M., Mira-Mendes, C.V.d., Orrico, V.G.D.

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  • 2025/1

    Dufresnes, C., Jablonski, D., Ambu, J., Prasad, V.K., Bala Gautam, K., Kamei, R.G., Mahony, S., Hofmann, S., Masroor, R., Alard, B., Crottini, A., Edmonds, D., Ohler, A., Jiang, J., Khatiwada, J.R., Gupta, S.K., Borzée, A., Borkin, L.J., Skorinov, D.V., Melnikov, D.A., Milto, K.D., Konstantinov, E.L., Künzel, S., Suchan, T., Arkhipov, D.V., Trofimets, A.V., Nguyen, T.V., Suwannapoom, C., Litvinchuk, S.N., Poyarkov, N.A.

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    Speciation and historical invasions of the Asian black-spined toad (Duttaphrynus melanostictus)

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  • 2025/1

    Reilly, S.B., Kaiser, H., Karin, B.R., Arifin, U., Stubbs, A.L., Arida, E., Hamidy, A., Iskandar, D.T., McGuire, J.A.

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    Rampant Dispersal Without Gene‐Flow: Reproductively and Geographically Isolated Lineages of the Supertramp Lizard Permeate the Lesser Sunda Archipelago

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  • 2025/1

    Amphibians of Yemen


  • 2025/1

    De la Quintana, P., Solé, M.

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    Unsuccessful predation of Ameiva ameiva (Linnaeus, 1758) causes the death of a juvenile snake, Oxyrhopus trigeminus Duméril et al., 1854, in Bahia, northeastern Brazil

    Herpetology Notes, 18

  • 2024

  • 2024/12

    Hamdan, B., Bonatto, S.L., Seixas, V.C., Santos, R.M.F., Santana, D.J., Machado, L.G., Kleiz-Ferreira, J.M., Freitas, M.A.d., Gonzalez, R.C., Cavalcante, T., Barbosa de Souza, M., Régis, C.B., Fernandes, D.S., Fernandes-Ferreira, H., Zingali, R.B., Rödder, D.

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  • 2024/12

    Aitken, W.M.I., de Mira-Mendes, C.V., Carilo Filho, L.M., Castro Santos, I.M., do Nascimento, M.S., Varela Rios, C.H., Medeiros, T.T., Batista, C.S., Menezes, V.Q., Argôlo, A.J.S., Solé, M., Dias, I.R.

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  • 2024/12

    Borgwerth, M., Scholten, C., Lin, A., Thura, M.K., Grismer, L.L., Ziegler, T., Rödder, D.

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    Sokhnenko, D.V., Doronin, I.V., Böhme, W.

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    Russian Journal of Herpetology, 6, 31

  • 2024/11

    Höffner, H., Nguyen, S.T., Dang, P.H., Motokawa, M., Oshida, T., Rödder, D., Nguyen, T.Q., Le, M.D., Bui, H.T., Ziegler, T.

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    Conservation priorities for threatened mammals of Vietnam: Implementation of the IUCN´s One Plan Approach

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  • 2024/11

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    Uncovering the rich amphibian fauna of two semideciduous forest fragments in southwestern Bahia, Brazil

    ZooKeys, 1217

  • 2024/11

    Kaiser, H., Holden, M., Ineich, I.

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    Observation of a bifurcated tail in an adult arboreal skink, Epibator nigrofasciolatus (Peters, 1869), the first published case for the genus and for New Caledonia

    Herpetology Notes, 17

  • 2024/11

    Baum, T.J., de Silva, A., Kaiser, H.

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    A twinning tail: first report of a tail duplication in the Keeled Sri Lankan Mabuya, Eutropis lankae (Deraniyagala, 1953)

    Herpetology Notes, 17

  • 2024/11

    Köhler, J., Koch, C., Garlacz, R., Preick, M., De la Riva, I., Vences, M.

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    Getting back to name-bearing types: archival DNA and morphology clarify the identity of Hyla splendens Schmidt, 1857 and challenge the taxonomy of Bolivian populations of Gastrotheca (Anura: Hemiphractidae)

    Salamandra, 4, 60

  • 2024/11

    Kunwar, B., Baral, S., Jeong, Y., Park, S., Choi, S., Oh, H.

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    Predicting the Potential Distribution of a Rodent Pest, Brown Rat (Rattus norvegicus), Associated with Changes in Climate and Land Cover in South Korea

    Ecology and Evolution, 11, 14

  • 2024/11

    Egea-Serrano, A., Macêdo, E., Solé, M.

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    Sensitivity of larval Dendropsophus haddadi (Bastos and Pombal 1996), an anuran species from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, to acute exposure to nitrate


  • 2024/11

    Böhme, W.

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    Von Kiel nach Bonn und anderswohin: Auto- und Allobiographisches, mit herpetologischem Fokus


  • 2024/11

    Koch, A., Auliya, M., Bhattacharya, S., Zia, S.Z., Mahato, S., Gangwar, R.K., Singh, N.

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    Conservation perceptions and attitudes regarding monitor lizards in West Bengal, India

    Nature Conservation, 56

  • 2024/10

    Auliya, M., Rasmussen, A.R., Sanders, K.L., Lobo, A.S.

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    Challenges of regulating commercial use of marine elapid snakes in the Indo‐Pacific

    Conservation Biology, 5, 38


  • Suraj Baral

    ztm Herpetology Bonn Doctoral candidate


  • Michele Chiacchio

    ztm Herpetology Bonn Doctoral candidate


  • Dr. Rafaela França

    ztm Herpetology Bonn Postdoctoral researcher

    Phone: +49 228 9122 253

  • Prof. Dr. Hinrich Kaiser

    ztm Herpetology Bonn Scientist, guest


  • Paul Kornacker

    ztm Herpetology Bonn Volunteer employee


  • Dikansh S. Parmar

    ztm Herpetology Bonn Doctoral candidate


  • Dr. Jendrian Riedel

    ztm Herpetology Bonn Postdoctoral researcher


MSc candidates

Elán Pérez García
One plan approach conservation strategies

Sydney Nelson
Is the geogaphic location of hybrid zones environmentally dependent in Triturus ssp.?

Anna Rose
Predicting the potential distribution of Laonastes aenigmamus under current and future climate (Univ. Cologne)

Nina J. Wirges
Niche evolution in Hemidactylus: correlative vs. mechanistic approaches

BSc candidates

Marielle Hilmer
Developing conservation strategies for Goniurosaurus in Vietnam

Nils Ostrowski
New strategies for optimizing SDMs - a simulation approach (Univ. Cologne)

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