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Centre for Biodiversity Monitoring and Conservation Science

An intact natural environment is the basis for a healthy life. However, the majority of our habitats have been severely damaged by human influences such as changes in land use, environmental pollution, the spread of invasive species and climate change. At the Centre for Biodiversity Monitoring and Nature Conservation Science (zbm), our scientists are investigating the causes and consequences of the decline in biodiversity on meadows and fields, in moors, forests and heathland.

Search for drivers of species decline

They analyse the interactions between land use and plants and animals in scientific experiments, using new and automated methods for species detection and DNA metabarcoding. They use statistical models to read trends and identify the drivers of species decline. In doing so, they combine data from theory-based small-scale experiments with applications in agriculture and nature conservation at landscape level and incorporate research data from mineralogy and geology-palaeontology.

From knowledge to action

With proposed solutions for the conservation of biodiversity and the sustainable use of natural resources, they enter into discussions with climate researchers, political stakeholders, NGOs and representatives of agricultural and environmental policy.

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Head of the centre

Prof. Dr. Christoph Scherber

  • Head of Centre for Biodiversity Monitoring (zbm)

Phone: +49 228 9122 450

Contact for enquiries in Bonn

Larissa Pape

  • Office assistance zbm

Phone: +49 228 9122 358
Fax: +49 228 9122 212

Contact for enquiries in Hamburg


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  • 2025/2

    Wan, N., Fu, L., Dainese, M., Kiær, L.P., Hu, Y., Xin, F., Goulson, D., Woodcock, B.A., Vanbergen, A.J., Spurgeon, D.J., Shen, S., Scherber, C.

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    Pesticides have negative effects on non-target organisms

    Nature communications, 1, 16

  • 2025/2

    Zizka, V., Schwesig, K., Engel, N., Hölzel, N., Scherber, C.

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    Environmental supports importance of heterogeneous pond landscapes for arthropod diversity conservation

    Ecosphere, 2, 16

  • 2025/1

    Kirse, A., Wittenhorst, M.A., Scherber, C., Posanski, M., Scherges, A., Zizka, V., Ott, D., Noll, N.W., Wägele, W.J.

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    The clockwork of insect activity: Advancing ecological understanding through automation

    Journal of Animal Ecology

  • 2024

  • 2024/12

    Chiavassa, J.A., Kraft, M., Noack, P., Walther, S., Kirse, A., Scherber, C.

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    The Field Automatic Insect Recognition‐Device—A Non‐Lethal Semi‐Automatic Malaise Trap for Insect Biodiversity Monitoring: Proof of Concept

    Ecology and Evolution, 12, 14

  • 2024/12

    Schwesig, K., Zizka, V., Scherber, C., Hölzel, N.

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    Comparing and Transect Methods for Aquatic Biodiversity Assessment in Lakes and Ponds

    Molecular Ecology resources

  • 2024/7

    Thomas, L.J., Kirse, A., Raus, H., Langen, K., Nümann, B., Tschan, G., Gemeinholzer, B., Wägele, J.W., Bourlat, S.

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    Synchronised monitoring of plant and insect diversity: a case study using automated Malaise traps and DNA-based methods

    Biodiversity Data Journal, 12

  • 2024/4

    Rasmussen, L.V., Grass, I., Mehrabi, Z., Smith, O.M., Bezner-Kerr, R., Blesh, J., Garibaldi, L.A., Isaac, M.E., Kennedy, C.M., Wittman, H., Batáry, P., Buchori, D., Cerda, R., Chará, J., Crowder, D.W., Darras, K., DeMaster, K., Garcia, K., Gómez, M., Gonthier, D., Guzman, A., Hidayat, P., Hipólito, J., Hirons, M., Hoey, L., James, D., John, I., Jones, A.D., Karp, D.S., Kebede, Y., Kerr, C.B., Klassen, S., Kotowska, M., Kreft, H., Llanque, R., Levers, C., Lizcano, D.J., Lu, A., Madsen, S., Marques, R.N., Martins, P.B., Melo, A., Nyantakyi-Frimpong, H., Olimpi, E.M., Owen, J.P., Pantevez, H., Qaim, M., Redlich, S., Scherber, C., Sciligo, A.R., Snapp, S., Snyder, W.E., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Stratton, A.E., Taylor, J.M., Tscharntke, T., Valencia, V., Vogel, C., Kremen, C.

    Show more...

    Joint environmental and social benefits from diversified agriculture

    Science, 6691, 384

  • 2024/3

    Chiavassa, J.A., Kraft, M., Noack, P., Walther, S., Kirse, A., Scherber, C.

    Show more...

    The FAIR-Device-a non-lethal and generalist semi-automatic Malaise trap for insect biodiversity monitoring: Proof of concept


  • 2024/3

    Leibniz Research Network Biodiversity. (2024). 10 Must Knows from Biodiversity Science 2024 (Version 1). Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. 

  • 2024/0

    Lin, W., He, X., Hu, J., Balle, M., Darras, K.F., Jing, S., Scherber, C., Toledo-Hernandez, M., Yan, Y., Zhang, C.C., Zeng, S., Wanger, T.C.

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    Diversification mitigates pesticide but not microplastic effects on bees without compromising rapeseed yield in China


  • 2023

  • 2023/12

    Noll, N.W., Scherber, C., Schäffler, L.

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    taxalogue: a toolkit to create comprehensive CO1 reference databases


  • 2023/12

    Wan, N., Wang, Y., Fu, L., Liu, J., Woodcock, B., Hu, Y., Eskelinen, A., Hector, A., Loreau, M., Hautier, Y., Bardgett, R., Kardol, P., Zuppinger-Dingley, D., Fraser, L., Bullock, J., Xin, F., Zhou, J., Scherber, C.

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    Species richness promotes plant productivity by suppressing plant antagonists

  • 2023/11

    Köthe, S., Bakanov, N., Brühl, C.A., Eichler, L., Fickel, T., Gemeinholzer, B., Hörren, T., Jurewicz, A., Lux, A., Meinel, G., Mühlethaler, R., Schäffler, L., Scherber, C., Schneider, F., Sorg, M., Swenson, S.J., Terlau, W., Turck, A., Lehmann, G.U.C.

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    Recommendations for effective insect conservation in nature protected areas based on a transdisciplinary project in Germany

    1, 35

  • 2023/7

    Brandmeier, J., Reininghaus, H., Scherber, C.

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    Multispecies crop mixtures increase insect biodiversity in an intercropping experiment

    3, 4

  • 2023/6

    Scherber, C.

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    Convergent patterns in multitrophic biodiversity effects on yield across ecosystems

    11, 66

  • 2023/4

    Terlau, J.F., Brose, U., Eisenhauer, N., Amyntas, A., Boy, T., Dyer, A., Gebler, A., Hof, C., Liu, T., Scherber, C., Schlägel, U.E., Schmidt, A., Hirt, M.R.

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    Microhabitat conditions remedy heat stress effects on insect activity

    13, 29

  • 2023/3

    Wan, N., Fu, L., Dainese, M., Kiær, L.P., Hu, Y., Xin, F., Goulson, D., Woodcock, B., Vanbergen, A., Spurgeon, D., Scherber, C.

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    The impact of pesticides on non-target organisms

  • 2023/1

    Dürrbaum, E., Fornoff, F., Scherber, C., Vesterinen, E.J., Eitzinger, B.

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    Metabarcoding of trap nests reveals differential impact of urbanization on cavity‐nesting bee and wasp communities

    23, 32

  • 2023/0

    Schmid, B., Dormann, C.F., Batary, P., Grass, I., Klein, A., Loos, J., Scherber, C., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Wanger, T.

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    Trophic interactions affecting biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships

  • 2022

  • 2022/12

    Köthe, S., Schneider, F., Bakanov, N., Brühl, C.A., Eichler, L., Fickel, T., Gemeinholzer, B., Hörren, T., Lux, A., Meinel, G., Schäffler, L., Scherber, C., Sorg, M., Swenson, S.J., Terlau, W., Turck, A., Zizka, V., Lehmann, G.U.C., Mühlethaler, R.

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    Improving insect conservation management through insect monitoring and stakeholder involvement

    2, 32

  • 2022/12

    Scherber, C.

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    Agroecology – Reconciling biodiversity and production in farming systems


  • 2022/11

    Wan, N., Fu, L., Dainese, M., Hu, Y., Kiær, L.P., Isbell, F., Scherber, C.

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    Plant genetic diversity affects multiple trophic levels and trophic interactions

    Nature communications, 1, 13

  • 2022/11

    Gutiérrez, Y., Fresch, M., Scherber, C., Brockmeyer, J.

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    The lipidome of an omnivorous insect responds to diet composition and social environment

    11, 12

  • 2022/6

    Ajal, J., Kiær, L.P., Pakeman, R.J., Scherber, C., Weih, M.

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    Intercropping drives plant phenotypic plasticity and changes in functional trait space

    Basic and applied ecology, 61

  • 2022/3

    Wägele, J., Bodesheim, P., Bourlat, S.J., Denzler, J., Diepenbroek, M., Fonseca, V., Frommolt, K., Geiger, M.F., Gemeinholzer, B., Glöckner, F.O., Haucke, T., Kirse, A., Kölpin, A., Kostadinov, I., Kühl, H.S., Kurth, F., Lasseck, M., Liedke, S., Losch, F., Müller, S., Petrovskaya, N., Piotrowski, K., Radig, B., Scherber, C., Schoppmann, L., Schulz, J., Steinhage, V., Tschan, G.F., Vautz, W., Velotto, D., Weigend, M., Wildermann, S.

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    Towards a multisensor station for automated biodiversity monitoring

    Basic and applied ecology, 59

  • 2022/1

    Hörren, T., Sorg, M., Hallmann, C.A., Zizka, V.M.A., Ssymank, A., Noll, N.W., Schäffler, L., Scherber, C.

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    A universal insect trait tool (ITT, v1.0) for statistical analysis and evaluation of biodiversity research data

  • 2022/0

    Abeßer, J., Wang, X., Bänsch, S., Scherber, C., Lukashevich, H.

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    Analyzing Bird and Bat Activity in Agricultural Environments using AI-driven Audio Monitoring

  • 2022/0

    Saljnikov, E., Lavrishchev, A., Römbke, J., Rinklebe, J., Scherber, C., Wilke, B., Tóth, T., Blum, W.E., Behrendt, U., Eulenstein, F., Mirschel, W., Meyer, B.C., Schindler, U., Urazaliev, K., Mueller, L.

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    Understanding and monitoring chemical and biological soil degradation

    Advances in understanding soil degradation

  • 2021

  • 2021/10

    Raatz, L., Walzl, K.P., Müller, M.E., Scherber, C., Joshi, J.

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    Who is the culprit: Is pest infestation responsible for crop yield losses close to semi‐natural habitats?

    Ecology and Evolution, 19, 11

  • 2021/10

    Egli, L., Schröter, M., Scherber, C., Tscharntke, T., Seppelt, R.

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    Crop diversity effects on temporal agricultural production stability across European regions

    Regional Environmental Change, 96, 21

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