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Geology-Palaeontology, Hamburg

Amber forest ecosystem

The palaeontological collections are of particular importance in the study of biodiversity in earlier geological epochs. The pieces in the amber collection are currently being studied particularly intensively. The inclusions contained in the collection (insects enclosed in amber, other invertebrates, plant remains) make it possible to study the diversity during past epochs, e.g. the Eocene and Miocene, and to reconstruct the "amber forest" ecosystem.

Palaeoecological study projects

The micropalaeontological collections of the LIB Hamburg continue to play an important role in the research of the Palaeontology Department. They continue to be used by the Institute of Geology for research projects, as they provide unique reference material for the biostratigraphic organisation of the North German Basin. The Department of Palaeontology works closely with staff from the Institute of Geology on a number of smaller projects and in the context of teaching. These include, for example, study projects in which pollen and algal remains on the one hand and calcareous protozoa in the same drill cores on the other are examined in order to create as comprehensive a picture of palaeoecology as possible. A long-term research project of the Institute of Geology, in which the LIB Hamburg is also involved, includes studies on the development of biodiversity in the North Sea and its predecessor seas during the Cenozoic, i.e. during the last 65 million years.

Related collections

Contact person

Dr. Ulrich Kotthoff

  • Management Museum of Nature - Geology/Paleontology

Phone: +49 40 238317 807



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    Novák, J., Harvey, M.S., Szabó, M., Hammel, J.U., Harms, D., Kotthoff, U., Hörweg, C., Brazidec, M., Ősi, A.

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