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Diptera, Bonn

Diptera like flies

The Diptera department houses the collections of the Diptera, but also smaller orders such as Siphonaptera, Strepsiptera, Embioptera, Mecoptera, Megaloptera, Raphidioptera and Neuroptera.

Our research focuses on the systematics and taxonomy of true flies (Diptera), taking into account both molecular (DNA taxonomy) and morphological characters. In addition, the ecology of immature fly stages, phylogenomics and other modern methods in the phylogenetic field are of interest for our work.

The department is also involved in the project "German Barcode of Life" (GBol), a unique endeavour that aims to compile a genetic library of the entire flora and fauna of Germany. We are also very active in cybertaxonomy, providing high quality images, raw data and literature information on various servers such as Encyclopedia of Life (via LifeDesks) and Scratchpads are available.

Contact person

Dr. Ximo Mengual

  • Head of Section Diptera

Phone: +49 228 9122 292


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  • 2025/1

    Hadrava, J., Klečka, J., Moran, K., Klečková, I., Kelso, S., Etzbauer, C., Skevington, J.H., Mengual, X.

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    The evolution of wasp mimicry and biogeography in the genus Temnostoma (Diptera: Syrphidae)

    Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution

  • 2025/1

    Kilian, I.C., Kirse, A., Peters, R.S., Bourlat, S.J., Fonseca, V.G., Wägele, W.J., Hamm, A., Mengual, X.

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    Maximizing Identification Precision of Hymenoptera and Brachycera (Diptera) With a Non‐Destructive Metabarcoding Approach

    Ecology and Evolution, 1, 15

  • 2024

  • 2024/11

    Hadrava, J., Klečka, J., Moran, K., Klečková, I., Kelso, S., Etzbauer, C., Skevington, J.H., Mengual, X.

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    The evolution of wasp mimicry and biogeography in the genus Temnostoma (Diptera: Syrphidae)

    Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution

  • 2024/11

    Wu, G., Li, H., Mengual, X., Wang, Y., Zhao, R.

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    Phylogenetic analysis of Syrphidae (Insecta, Diptera) based on low-coverage whole genomes

    Insect Systematics and Diversity, 6, 8

  • 2024/10


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    Two Palaearctic species of Orthonevra (Diptera: Syrphidae) under the name O. brevicornis

    Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 1, 64

  • 2024/9

    A DNA barcode reference library for the Tipulidae (Insecta, Diptera) of Germany

    Biodiversity Data Journal, 12

  • 2024/9


    Show more...

    A new species of Alipumilio Shannon, 1927 (Diptera: Syrphidae), with the description of the male of A. avispas Vockeroth, 1964 and A. femoratus Shannon, 1927

    Zootaxa, 3, 5506

  • 2024/8

    Parada-Marin, H.M., Mengual, X., Ramos-Pastrana, Y.

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    First record of Nausigaster meridionalis Townsend (Diptera: Syrphidae) from Colombia

    Caldasia, 3, 46

  • 2024/8

    Rduch, V., Dey, L., Ghazaryan, A., Husemann, M., Iankoshvili, G., Krammer, H., Lambrecht, M., Marabuto, E., Mengual, X., Müller, B., Peters, R., Rulik, B., Salden, T., Silva-Brandao, K.L., Espeland, M., Thormann, J., Töpfer, T., Weiss, C., Zyla, D., Hein, N.

    Show more...

    Exkursion in den Kaukasus: Der CaBOL BioBlitz 2022 in Armenien und Georgien

  • 2024/6

    Jaume-Schinkel, S., Müller, B., Avila-Calero, S., Kukowka, S., Rduch, V., Mengual, X.

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    Preserving morphology while extracting DNA: a non-destructive field-to-museum protocol for slide-mounted specimens

    Biodiversity Data Journal, 12

  • 2024/4

    Wittische, J., Lippert, S., Luttringer, A., Ariey, H., do Rosário Cruz, A.J., Andrási, B., Thissen, D., Schleimer, A., Drygala, F., Mehnert, J., Mengual, X., Cantú‐Salazar, L., Frantz, A.C.

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    High genetic connectivity of two pollinating flies despite urban disturbance

    Ecosphere, 4, 15

  • 2024/4


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    A new bot fly species of Cuterebra (Diptera: Oestridae) from Ecuador

    Zootaxa, 3, 5437

  • 2024/4

    Dietz, L., Eberle, J., Mayer, C., Kukowka, S., Bohacz, C., Baur, H., Espeland, M., Huber, B., Hutter, C., Mengual, X., Peters, R., Vences, M., Wesener, T., Willmott, K., Misof, B., Niehuis, O., Ahrens, D.

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    Standardized nuclear markers improve and homogenize species delimitation in Metazoa (vol 14, pg 543, 2023)

    Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4, 15

  • 2024/3

    Santis, M.D.d., Mengual, X.

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    Revision of the Neotropical Phyllomya Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Tachinidae): a new synonymy and additional records

    Journal of natural history, 9-12, 58

  • 2024/3

    Jaume-Schinkel, S., Mengual, X.

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    A revision of the genus Armillipora Quate (Diptera: Psychodidae) with the descriptions of two new species – Corrigendum

    European Journal of Taxonomy, 925

  • 2023

  • 2023/12

    van Steenis, J., Ólafsson, E., Mengual, X.

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    Iceland, a mere remote island or a hoverfly (Diptera, Syrphidae) hotspot for endemism? A case study of Platycheirus islandicus Ringdahl, 1930 and P. manicatus Meigen, 1822

    6, 2

  • 2023/10

    van Steenis, J., Miranda, G.F.G., Tot, T., Mengual, X., Skevington, J.H.

    Show more...

    Glossary of morphological terminology of adult Syrphidae (Diptera): an update and extension

    4, 2

  • 2023/9

    Kehlmaier, C., Drews, F., Fahldieck, M., Heimburg, H., Heller, K., Jaume-Schinkel, S., Jentzsch, M., Jessat, M., Kampen, H., Markwardt, D., Reimann, A., Rulik, B., Stuke, J., Tschirnhaus, M.v., Weele, R.v.d., Werner, D.

    Show more...

    Nachweise von Zweiflüglern (Diptera) während der 37. Tagung des Arbeitskreises Diptera 2022 in Landsweiler-Reden (Saarland, Deutschland)

    Abhandlungen der Delattinia, 48

  • 2023/8

    Jaume-Schinkel, S., Mengual, X., Howe, A.G., Fagan‐Jeffries, E.P.

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    The hitchhiker’s guide to Australia: the 18,000-km-long journey of Alepia viatrix Jaume-Schinkel, Kvifte, Weele & Mengual, 2022 (Diptera, Psychodidae) discovered through citizen science

    4, 19

  • 2023/7

    Wong, D., Norman, H., Creedy, T.J., Jordaens, K., Moran, K.M., Young, A.D., Mengual, X., Skevington, J.H., Vogler, A.P.

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    The phylogeny and evolutionary ecology of hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) inferred from mitochondrial genomes

    Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 184

  • 2023/7

    Kilian, I.C., Swenson, S.J., Mengual, X., Gemeinholzer, B., Hamm, A., Wägele, J.W., Peters, R.S.

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    More complex than you think: Taxonomic and temporal patterns of plant–pollinator networks of caraway (Carum carvi L.)

    Molecular ecology, 13, 32

  • 2023/7

    Theissinger, K., Fernandes, C., Formenti, G., Bista, I., Berg, P.R., Bleidorn, C., Bombarely, A., Crottini, A., Gallo, G.R., Godoy, J.A., Jentoft, S., Malukiewicz, J., Mouton, A., Oomen, R.A., Paez, S., Palsbøll, P.J., Pampoulie, C., Ruiz-López, M.J., Secomandi, S., Svardal, H., Theofanopoulou, C., Vries, J.D., Waldvogel, A., Zhang, G., Jarvis, E.D., Bálint, M., Ciofi, C., Waterhouse, R.M., Mazzoni, C.J., Höglund, J., Aghayan, S.A., Alioto, T.S., Almudi, I., Alvarez, N., Alves, P.C., Rosario, I.R.A.d., Antunes, A., Arribas, P., Baldrian, P., Bertorelle, G., Böhne, A., Bonisoli-Alquati, A., Boštjančić, L.L., Boussau, B., Breton, C.M., Buzan, E., Campos, P.F., Carreras, C., Castro, L.F.C., Chueca, L.J., Čiampor, F., Conti, E., Cook-Deegan, R., Croll, D., Cunha, M.V., Delsuc, F., Dennis, A.B., Dimitrov, D., Faria, R., Favre, A., Fedrigo, O.D., Fernández, R., Ficetola, G.F., Flot, J., Gabaldón, T., Agius, D.R., Giani, A.M., Gilbert, M.T.P., Grebenc, T., Guschanski, K., Guyot, R., Hausdorf, B., Hawlitschek, O., Heintzman, P.D., Heinze, B., Hiller, M., Husemann, M., Iannucci, A., Irisarri, I., Jakobsen, K.S., Klinga, P., Kloch, A., Kratochwil, C.F., Kusche, H., Layton, K.K., Leonard, J.A., Lerat, E., Liti, G., Manousaki, T., Marques-Bonet, T., Matos-Maraví, P., Matschiner, M., Maumus, F., Cartney, A.M.M., Meiri, S., Melo-Ferreira, J., Mengual, X., Monaghan, M.T., Montagna, M., Mysłajek, R.W., Neiber, M.T., Nicolas, V., Novo, M., Ozretić, P., Palero, F., Pârvulescu, L., Pascual, M., Paulo, O.S., Pavlek, M., Pegueroles, C., Pellissier, L., Pesole, G., Primmer, C.R., Riesgo, A., Rüber, L., Rubolini, D., Salvi, D., Seehausen, O., Seidel, M., Studer, B., Theodoridis, S., Thines, M., Urban, L., Vasemägi, A., Vella, A., Vella, N., Vernes, S.C., Vernesi, C., Vieites, D.R., Wheat, C.W., Wörheide, G., Wurm, Y., Zammit, G.

    Show more...

    How genomics can help biodiversity conservation

    Trends in Genetics, 7, 39

  • 2023/2

    Dietz, L., Eberle, J., Mayer, C., Kukowka, S., Bohacz, C., Baur, H., Espeland, M., Huber, B.A., Hutter, C.R., Mengual, X., Peters, R.S., Vences, M., Wesener‍, T., Willmott, K.R., Misof, B., Niehuis, O., Ahrens, D.

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    Standardized nuclear markers improve and homogenize species delimitation in Metazoa

    Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2, 14

  • 2023/1

    Mengual, X., Lebard, T., Cornuel-Willermoz, A.

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    New hover fly records for Corsica: results from Our Planet Reviewed in Corsica 2019-2021 (Diptera, Syrphidae)

    4, 128

  • 2023/0

    CORNUEL-WILLERMOZ, A., LEBARD, T., Bot, S., Mengual, X.

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    Découverte d’Eumerus emarginatus Loew, 1848 en Corse, une nouvelle espèce pour la faune de France (Diptera: Syrphidae)

    L’Entomologiste, 4, 79

  • 2022

  • 2022/12

    Jaume-Schinkel, S., Mengual, X.

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    New geographic distribution of Chrysomya megacephala, the Oriental latrine blow fly (Diptera: Calliphoridae), in Mexico using citizen science and social media


  • 2022/12

    Huo, K., Zhao, L., Mengual, X., Li, G., Liu, X., Zhao, L., Chen, Z.

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    Biema Huo & Zhao gen. nov., a new flower fly genus (Diptera, Syrphidae) from China

    European Journal of Taxonomy, 1, 852

  • 2022/11

    Mengual, X.

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    New Flower Fly Records (Diptera: Syrphidae: Syrphinae) from China, Korea, and Malaysia

    2, 124

  • 2022/11

    Bot, S., Mengual, X., Van Steenis, J., Skevington, J.H.

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    A new species of the genus Milesia Latreille (Diptera: Syrphidae) from Crete

    European Journal of Taxonomy, 1, 846

  • 2022/10

    Mengual, X., Mayer, C., Burt, T.O., Moran, K.M., Dietz, L., Nottebrock, G., Pauli, T., Young, A.D., Brasseur, M.V., Kukowka, S., Kelso, S., Etzbauer, C., Bot, S., Hauser, M., Jordaens, K., Miranda, G.F.G., Ståhls, G., van Steenis, W., Peters, R.S., Skevington, J.H.

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    Systematics and evolution of predatory flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) based on exon‐capture sequencing

    2, 48


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