What are we doing?
We study animal biodiversity from a molecular perspective, particularly in the context of the diversity of molecules in each cell. Each genome is an ecosystem of molecules with diverse parasitic, mutualistic and symbiotic interactions with each other. We study genetic conflicts between molecular parasites such as transposable elements, viruses and B chromosomes, and how these affect host genome structure and, through effects on reproductive isolation, biodiversity change. Only by understanding the depths of the unknown genetic diversity can the unknown biodiversity be better understood.
How do we do that?
Although much of our ongoing research focuses on the unknown genetic diversity of birds, particularly in the form of differences between germline and soma genomes, our research is not taxon-centred but concept-centred. Our past and ongoing projects have also focussed on crocodilians, turtles, bony fishes, insects, crustaceans, tardigrades, roundworms, arthropods and fungi.
Our research combines methods and concepts of evolutionary genomics, molecular biology, developmental biology, molecular cytogenetics and functional genomics. We also apply taxonomic principles to the characterisation of transposable elements and viruses.
Who are we?
Our team is interdisciplinary and multicultural with members from currently 8 nations, as well as actively involved in various national and international research networks. Our current research is funded by the European Research Council (ERC Consolidator Grant "GermlineChrom"), the Leibniz Association (Leibniz-Lab Pandemic Preparedness), the Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change and the University of Bonn.
Contact person
- Head of Centre for Molecular Biodiversity Research (zmb)
- Head of Section Molecular Biodiversity
Phone: +49 228 9122 289
E-Mail: a.suh@leibniz-lib.de
BIGFOOT - BIodiversity decline's Genomic FOOTprint
Management: Dr. habil. Astrid Böhne
Provenance research at the Museum Koenig
Management: Dr. André Koch
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Pesticides have negative effects on non-target organisms
Nature communications, 1, 16
Large scale monitoring of terrestrial small mammals using noninvasive sampling and COI barcoding
Mammal Research
Environmental supports importance of heterogeneous pond landscapes for arthropod diversity conservation
Ecosphere, 2, 16
The clockwork of insect activity: Advancing ecological understanding through automation
Journal of Animal Ecology
The Field Automatic Insect Recognition‐Device—A Non‐Lethal Semi‐Automatic Malaise Trap for Insect Biodiversity Monitoring: Proof of Concept
Ecology and Evolution, 12, 14
Comparing and Transect Methods for Aquatic Biodiversity Assessment in Lakes and Ponds
Molecular Ecology resources
German Barcode of Life, Entdeckung und Beschreibung neuer Arten
The ASV Registry: a place for ASVs to be
Metabarcoding and Metagenomics, 8
Integrative characterisation of the Northwestern European species of Anacharis Dalman, 1823 (Hymenoptera, Cynipoidea, Figitidae) with the description of three new species
Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 97
Exkursion in den Kaukasus: Der CaBOL BioBlitz 2022 in Armenien und Georgien
Synchronised monitoring of plant and insect diversity: a case study using automated Malaise traps and DNA-based methods
Biodiversity Data Journal, 12
Preserving morphology while extracting DNA: a non-destructive field-to-museum protocol for slide-mounted specimens
Biodiversity Data Journal, 12
Joint environmental and social benefits from diversified agriculture
Science, 6691, 384
The FAIR-Device-a non-lethal and generalist semi-automatic Malaise trap for insect biodiversity monitoring: Proof of concept
Leibniz Research Network Biodiversity. (2024). 10 Must Knows from Biodiversity Science 2024 (Version 1). Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.
Diversification mitigates pesticide but not microplastic effects on bees without compromising rapeseed yield in China
taxalogue: a toolkit to create comprehensive CO1 reference databases
Species richness promotes plant productivity by suppressing plant antagonists
Recommendations for effective insect conservation in nature protected areas based on a transdisciplinary project in Germany
1, 35
Metabarcoding dietary analysis in the insectivorous bat Nyctalus leisleri and implications for conservation
Biodiversity Data Journal, 11
Multispecies crop mixtures increase insect biodiversity in an intercropping experiment
3, 4
Convergent patterns in multitrophic biodiversity effects on yield across ecosystems
11, 66
Another crack in the Dark Taxa wall: a custom DNA barcoding protocol for the species-rich and common Eurytomidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea)
Biodiversity Data Journal, 11
Microhabitat conditions remedy heat stress effects on insect activity
13, 29
The impact of pesticides on non-target organisms
Metabarcoding of trap nests reveals differential impact of urbanization on cavity‐nesting bee and wasp communities
23, 32
Trophic interactions affecting biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships
DNA-basierte Biodiversitätsanalysen im Natur-und Umweltschutz: Welche Optionen haben wir für eine Standardisierung?: eine Handlungsempfehlung aus Forschung und Praxis
Improving insect conservation management through insect monitoring and stakeholder involvement
2, 32
Agroecology – Reconciling biodiversity and production in farming systems
Dr. Marilou Boddé
zmb Molecular biodiversity ScientistPhone: +49 228 9122 369
E-mail: m.bodde@leibniz-lib.deInes Borges
zmb Molecular biodiversity Doctoral candidatePhone: +49 228 9122 401
E-mail: i.borges@leibniz-lib.deDiana Gonzalez
zmb Molecular biodiversity Doctoral candidatePhone: +49 228 9122 359
E-mail: d.gonzalez@leibniz-lib.deDr. Patrick Kück
zmb Molecular biodiversity ScientistPhone: +49 228 9122 404
E-mail: p.kueck@leibniz-lib.deDr. Yifan Pei
zmb Molecular biodiversity Postdoctoral researcherPhone: +49 228 9122 242
E-mail: y.pei@leibniz-lib.deDr. Francisco Jesus Ruiz-Ruano Campana
zmb Molecular biodiversity Postdoctoral researcherPhone: +49 228 9122 427
E-mail: f.ruizruano@leibniz-lib.deProf. Dr. Alexander Suh
zmb Molecular biodiversity ScientistPhone: +49 228 9122 289
E-mail: a.suh@leibniz-lib.deAnna Torgasheva
zmb Molecular biodiversity ScientistPhone: +49 228 9122 427
E-mail: A.Torgasheva@leibniz-lib.deNiki Vontzou
zmb Molecular biodiversity Doctoral candidatePhone: +49 228 9122 242
E-mail: n.vontzou@leibniz-lib.de