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Metabarcoding, Bonn

DNA metabarcoding enables the identification of thousands of individuals, often down to species level, by sequencing a small, standardised gene fragment. Unlike DNA barcoding, this is done with the entire species community of a habitat to enable a faster assessment of species diversity.

Our research projects are focussed on

  • Biomonitoring of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems
  • Species community structure and ecosystem change
  • Development of DNA metabarcoding methods
  • Bioinformatics
  • Large scale laboratory workflows
  • Nutrition and gut content analyses
  • Host-parasite interactions
  • Mitogenomics and 'PCR-free' methods

We are always looking for talented and ambitious students to work with us on existing research projects.

Contact person

Dr. Sarah Bourlat

  • Head of metabarcoding section
  • Deputy ombudsperson for good scientific practice

Phone: +49 228 9122 353



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  • 2025/1

    Leidenberger, S., Wiese, V., Schaumann, F., Pleiss, F., Langen, K., Bourlat, S.J.

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    Freshwater mollusc community screening - Classical and eDNA monitoring methods to detect rare, indicator and invasive species

    Science of the Total Environment, 958

  • 2025/1

    Kilian, I.C., Kirse, A., Peters, R.S., Bourlat, S.J., Fonseca, V.G., Wägele, W.J., Hamm, A., Mengual, X.

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    Maximizing Identification Precision of Hymenoptera and Brachycera (Diptera) With a Non‐Destructive Metabarcoding Approach

    Ecology and Evolution, 1, 15

  • 2025/1

    Kirse, A., Wittenhorst, M.A., Scherber, C., Posanski, M., Scherges, A., Zizka, V., Ott, D., Noll, N.W., Wägele, W.J.

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    The clockwork of insect activity: Advancing ecological understanding through automation

    Journal of Animal Ecology

  • 2024

  • 2024/12

    Chiavassa, J.A., Kraft, M., Noack, P., Walther, S., Kirse, A., Scherber, C.

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    The Field Automatic Insect Recognition‐Device—A Non‐Lethal Semi‐Automatic Malaise Trap for Insect Biodiversity Monitoring: Proof of Concept

    Ecology and Evolution, 12, 14

  • 2024/9

    Kilian, I.C., Neuhoff, D., Täufer, F., Nabel, M., Kirse, A., Bourlat, S.J., Döring, T.

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    Der Einfluss von Bewirtschaftung und organischer Düngung auf Bodenarthropoden in ackerbaulich genutzten Böden

    0028-0615, 9-10, 99

  • 2024/8

    BGE Milestone MS 2.4b

  • 2024/7

    Thomas, L.J., Kirse, A., Raus, H., Langen, K., Nümann, B., Tschan, G., Gemeinholzer, B., Wägele, J.W., Bourlat, S.

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    Synchronised monitoring of plant and insect diversity: a case study using automated Malaise traps and DNA-based methods

    Biodiversity Data Journal, 12

  • 2024/3

    Chiavassa, J.A., Kraft, M., Noack, P., Walther, S., Kirse, A., Scherber, C.

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    The FAIR-Device-a non-lethal and generalist semi-automatic Malaise trap for insect biodiversity monitoring: Proof of concept


  • 2024/2

    Hein, N., Astrin, J.J., Beckers, N., Giebner, H., Langen, K., Löffler, J., Misof, B., Fonseca, V.G.

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    Arthropod diversity in the alpine tundra using metabarcoding: Spatial and temporal differences in alpha‐ and beta‐diversity

    Ecology and Evolution, 2, 14

  • 2024/2

    Kirse, A., Paja, M., Reinhold, L., Bourlat, S., Wägele, W.

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    Development of an automated Malaise trap multisampler

  • 2024/2

    Zizka, V., Langen, K., Kirse, A., Scherges, A., Bourlat, S.J.

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    Non-destructive DNA extraction and metabarcoding of arthropod bulk samples: a step-by-step protocol

  • 2023

  • 2023/11

    Bourlat, S.J., Koch, M., Kirse, A., Langen, K., Espeland, M., Giebner, H., Decher, J., Ssymank, A., Fonseca, V.G.

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    Metabarcoding dietary analysis in the insectivorous bat Nyctalus leisleri and implications for conservation

    Biodiversity Data Journal, 11

  • 2023/11

    Hörren, T., Bodingbauer, S., Bourlat, S., Grüneberg, C., Kaiser, M., Kiel, E., Schäffler, L., Scherber, C., Schwan, H., Seitz, A., Stenmans, W., Sumser, H., Zizka, V., Sorg, M.

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    Monitoring der Biodiversität flugaktiver Insekten in NRW

    Nat NRW, 2023, 3

  • 2023/11

    Sickel, W., Zizka, V., Scherges, A., Bourlat, S.J., Dieker, P.

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    Abundance estimation with DNA metabarcoding–recent advancements for terrestrial arthropods

    Metabarcoding and Metagenomics, 7

  • 2023/10

    Bourlat, S.J., Tschan, G.F., Martín, S., Iqram, M., Leidenberger, S.

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    A red listing gap analysis of molluscs and crustaceans in Northern Europe: What has happened in the last 10 years?

    Biological conservation, 286

  • 2023/7

    Chua, P.Y., Bourlat, S.J., Ferguson, C., Korlevic, P., Zhao, L., Ekrem, T., Meier, R., Lawniczak, M.K.

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    Future of DNA-based insect monitoring

    Trends in Genetics, 7, 39

  • 2023/5

    BGE Milestone MS2.4a


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