As one of the Leibniz Association's major research museums, we have taken on the task of analysing biodiversity and its change and understanding the causes of change. We share our knowledge and work on recommendations for action to preserve the basis of our existence. In dialogue and cooperation with society, politics, business and culture, we provide knowledge-based solutions on how we as a global society can further develop the overused, agriculturally intensive area to protect biodiversity and take responsibility for our own role in this change.
- Research Museum of Nature Hamburg Museum Koenig Bonn Collection Knowledge transfer
The LIB Magazine: an inspiring journey into the world of biodiversity
06 March 2025
With our LIB magazine, we address the core topics of our research museum and show how relevant science is to our everyday lives.
- Research Knowledge transfer
Strengthening cooperation with research institutes in Ghana
24 February 2025
It was the start of a strategic partnership. A delegation of LIB researchers recently traveled to Ghana with the aim of identifying fields for joint research projects.
- Research Press release
LIB establishes Centre for biodiversity research in Ecuador
18 February 2025
The Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change is working with the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador (PUCE) in Quito to establish a scientific center for biodiversity research in Ecuador.
- Knowledge transfer
"SciXit": Withdrawal from Platform X:
17 February 2025
Numerous academic institutions left Platform X in January 2025 following a widely recognised public appeal. By now, more than 120 universities and research institutes have joined the call to cease communication on X, including the LIB.
- Research Press release
Pesticides have greater impacts on animals, plants, and microorganisms than previously thought
13 February 2025
Pesticides are used primarily in agriculture to control pests. However, they can also harm many beneficial animal, plant and fungal species.
- Museum of Nature Hamburg Press release
Insight and exchange: New rooms and exhibition opened at the Museum der Natur Hamburg
12 February 2025
Since 12 February, two newly designed rooms in the zoological exhibition at the Museum der Natur Hamburg have been inviting visitors to linger, marvel, discover and join in.
- Museum Koenig Bonn Press release
Museum Koenig Bonn opens special exhibition ‘Meadow habitat’
06 February 2025
The Museum Koenig Bonn is presenting her impressive photographs in the special exhibition ‘Habitat Meadow’, which opens on 19 February.
- Research Press release
Quarries, sand and gravel pits as habitats: how the building materials industry can promote biodiversity
29 January 2025
With funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the ‘Holistic Biodiversity Management in the Building Materials Industry’ (GiBBS) project has produced a handbook to help raw materials companies implement species ...
- Research Press release
Scientists Resolve “Identity Crisis” for Australia’s Deadliest Spider
13 January 2025
An international team of scientists has revised the classification of Australia’s most famous spider.
- Press release Knowledge transfer
Art meets science on insect protection at the ‘UN Campus’ railway station
17 December 2024
Beetles, butterflies and other insects have recently been hanging around the UN Campus railway station in oversized graffiti. What looks beautiful has a larger goal: the graffiti draws attention to the threat posed to insects by light pollution.
- Museum of Nature Hamburg Press release
Elbtower: option for new natural history museum in Hamburg
16 December 2024
The discussion about the location for the new natural history museum in Hamburg is gathering pace. As confirmed by the Senate of the City of Hamburg, proposals for housing the ‘Evolutioneum’ in the new building on the Elbe bridges are being ...
- Research Press release
Decoding the world’s largest animal genome
14 August 2024
Thirty times the size of the human genome: An international team of researchers led by Konstanz evolutionary biologist Axel Meyer and Würzburg biochemist Manfred Schartl, including researchers from the LIB has sequenced the largest genome of all ...
- Museum Koenig Bonn Knowledge transfer
Bronze of the "Bundesgiraffe" on board the MS Wissenschaft
30 July 2024
"Freedom" is the motto of the Science Year 2024, which the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has proclaimed to mark the 75th anniversary of the Federal Republic of Germany. With a wide range of activities to take part in, a swimming
- Museum of Nature Hamburg Museum Koenig Bonn Press release Knowledge transfer
Science meets street art
09 July 2024
InUrFaCE (Initiative of Urban Facades Creature Exposition) aims to create facade artworks on biodiversity that "jump out at you". Internationally renowned street artists create the so-called murals together with
- Research Museum of Nature Hamburg Knowledge transfer
Wanted: Butterflies in Hamburg - Who's in?
01 July 2024
We don't have to travel far to find rare species. There are many places in Hamburg where we can find rare or even endangered animals. Even in densely populated areas such as Hamburg, there is a lack of constant biomonitoring in order to find rare ...
- Museum Koenig Bonn Knowledge transfer
Over 10,000 visitors at the Museum Mile Festival at Museum Koenig Bonn
27 June 2024
For two days from 22 to 23 June 2024, Museum Koenig Bonn opened its doors as well as the Museum Park to young and old at the legendary Museum Mile Festival of the five major museums on the Museum Mile. In addition to live music from Klassik
- Museum Koenig Bonn Press release Knowledge transfer
Painted democracy: 75 years of the Basic Law in pictures by Markus Lüpertz
03 May 2024
To mark the 75th anniversary, the Museum Koenig Bonn is showing the exhibition "Painted Democracy - 75 Years of the Basic Law in Paintings by Markus Lüpertz."
- Museum of Nature Hamburg Press release Collection
Unique "Elmshorn" meteorite now on display at the Museum der Natur Hamburg
25 April 2024
It is a meteorite of superlatives that fell from the sky in Elmshorn near Hamburg on 25 April 2023: from a scientific and cultural-historical point of view, it represents a globally unique piece. At 3.7 kilograms, it is also the largest in
- Research Press release
What medicine can learn from ants...
05 April 2024
Mixing livestock farming and arable farming, integrating flower strips and trees, water and soil conservation and much more: diverse agriculture not only benefits nature, but also secures the food base and the agricultural sector for us humans.
- Research Collection
What medicine can learn from ants...
27 February 2024
When biology and technology intersect, we usually talk about bionics. The mouthparts of ants could, for example, help to improve needle holders during endoscopic procedures. Dr Benjamin Wipfler, together with colleagues from various disciplines
- Research Press release Knowledge transfer
FOGS database against illegal wildlife trade launched
22 February 2024
The global illegal wildlife trade threatens around 6,000 protected species and their populations. With the FOGS reference database and new analytical methods, the Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB) supports authorities and species conservation organisations in their efforts to combat this ...
- Museum Koenig Bonn Press release Knowledge transfer
Biomorphic worlds: Where art and science merge
09 January 2024
Exciting and flowing at the same time, close to nature and abstract: Bielefeld artist Henning Bock interprets specimens from the mammal collection at Museum Koenig Bonn, combining art and science. From 25 January to 3 March 20
- Research Museum of Nature Hamburg Museum Koenig Bonn
Women in Herpetology - 50 stories from around the world
22 November 2023
Umilaela Arifin works as a herpetologist at the Museum der Natur Hamburg and has already experienced a great deal in her career as a researcher. Now she has teamed up with 49 other female experts from the world of science to publish the book "Women in ...
- Research Press release
Foundation stone laid for multinational research centre in the Caucasus
26 October 2023
The freely accessible database is up and running, the laboratory infrastructure is functioning. The Caucasus Barcode of Life (CaBOL) cooperation project has laid the foundations for a multinational research centre in the Caucasus. However, it is still unclear how the ...
- Museum Koenig Bonn Press release Knowledge transfer
Solve puzzles from the world of pollinators in our new escape game
25 October 2023
Make an entire city liveable again for insects: Players can now immerse themselves in the fascinating and colourful world of "PROJECT POLLINATION: A BUZZING RESCUE". The educational escape game raises awareness in a playful way.
- Museum of Nature Hamburg Press release Knowledge transfer
Expedition Schneeleo" exhibition now at the Museum der Natur Hamburg
11 October 2023
Look a snow leopard in the eye, guess its voice, catch prey on a monitor: NABU's "Expedition Snow Leopard" exhibition follows the endangered "spirit of the mountains" with a mixture of analogue and digital hands-on activities.
- Research Press release
"It's not the weather - we humans are causing insect mortality"
28 September 2023
Can the weather really be the main cause of insect mortality? A recent STUDY in the scientific journal Nature blames (changing) weather conditions for the sharp decline in insects. Christoph Scherber, Deputy Director
- Museum Koenig Bonn Press release Knowledge transfer
Highlights of nature photography 2023
12 September 2023
The "Highlights of Nature Photography" were sought for the 25th time.
- Research Press release
Mixed crop cultivation offers insect protection without loss of yield
04 September 2023
How can we stop the drastic decline in biodiversity? A recent STUDY led by the Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB) shows possible solutions for agricultural landscapes. The investigations prove
- Museum Koenig Bonn Press release
75 years of the Parliamentary Council: Ceremony at Museum Koenig Bonn
01 September 2023
75 years ago, Museum Koenig Bonn wrote a piece of German democratic and parliamentary history. On 1 September 1948, the Parliamentary Council met here in the atrium for its constituent session. Today, the German Bundestag is celebrating this
- Research
The effects of deep-sea mining are unpredictable
08 June 2023
Bizarre-looking creatures cavort in the diffuse light at sea depths of 200 metres and below. Yet we know almost nothing about life in the deep sea, our largest ecosystem. But what we do know: The seabed harbours valuable minerals
- Museum of Nature Hamburg Knowledge transfer
The LIB at the Long Day of Urban Nature Hamburg
30 May 2023
We're grabbing our nets, binoculars and wellies - 17 June is once again the LONG DAY OF CITY NATURE in Hamburg. As a close partner of the event, which is initiated by the Loki Schmidt Foundation, the Museum der Natur Hamburg is of course also i
- Museum of Nature Hamburg Knowledge transfer
Long Night of Museums: Full house with 4,500 revellers
24 April 2023
What a night it was! Scorpions crawled over researchers' hands, minerals glowed in the dark and our dinosaur researcher told us what dinosaurs did at night to pass the time. Almost 4,500 night owls came to the Long Night on 22 April.
- Research Press release Collection
Global database links collections from the world's 73 largest natural history museums
24 March 2023
The LIB's scientific collections, with their 16 million objects, are now part of a global database of the world's largest natural history museums. The digital catalogue links more than one billion objects from scientific collections of
- Research Press release
Non-native land snail species are increasing exponentially
19 January 2023
Invasive land snail species can displace native species and harm human health. A recent study by the Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB) provides an overview of the exponential increase and dy
- Museum of Nature Hamburg Museum Koenig Bonn
"Nature can still be saved" - Bernhard Misof on the World Nature Conference
06 December 2022
The aim is to save the planet and turn the tide of the biodiversity crisis. From 7 December, government representatives from almost 200 countries will meet in Montreal, Canada, with the aim of forging a pact to protect nature. LIB Director General
- Research Museum of Nature Hamburg Museum Koenig Bonn
Frankfurt Declaration: Working together for biodiversity
02 December 2022
One week before the start of the 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP15) in Montreal, an alliance of German scientific and non-governmental organisations calls in its "FRANKFURT DECLARATION", published today, for the protection of biodiversity in the ...
- Museum of Nature Hamburg Press release
New home for natural history in Hamburg
29 November 2022
The new building of the Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB) will be built on construction site 51 in HafenCity. The LEUCHTTURMPROJEKT for the world of science and museums will offer innovative exhibitions as well as space for research and ...
- Research Press release
Pan-European genome research to save biodiversity worldwide
28 September 2022
Experts from all over Europe are joining forces today to launch the pan-European consortium "Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE)". The comprehensive application of genomics to the study of biodiversity will revolutionise science.
- Research Press release Collection
Reporting portal for alien species extended to northern Germany
28 July 2022
Hamburg's portal for reporting non-native animal species is now available for the whole of northern Germany. On NEOBIOTA-NORD.DE, citizens can now compare and report species that were previously not native to northern Germany. With the Eng
- Press release
One year of LIB: researching and acting together
23 June 2022
Joining forces to preserve nature and shape the future: The Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB) began its work a year ago with this goal against the backdrop of an increasing biodiversity crisis.
- Research Museum of Nature Hamburg Museum Koenig Bonn Press release Collection
Berlin Declaration: For the future of humanity
20 May 2022
Thirty years after the first World Summit on Nature in Rio de Janeiro, the loss of biodiversity and global climate change are the greatest and most pressing challenges of the future. Nothing less than our very existence is at stake. U
- Museum of Nature Hamburg Press release Knowledge transfer
"Multifaceted insects": Travelling exhibition opens in Hamburg
23 March 2022
Dazzlingly beautiful, successful, useful - and endangered. Although insects do a great deal for us humans, we are responsible for their decline. From today, 23 March 2022, the travelling exhibition "Multifaceted insects: Diversity I G
- Research
A close look at the dinosaurs: What did the prehistoric lizards eat?
10 November 2021
"The Hamburg dinosaurs will play a key role in the project." Humboldt Fellow Emanuel Tschopp wants to find out more about the lifestyle of long-necked dinosaurs through the wear and tear and changing of their teeth. An important part of his ...