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01 September 2023

75 years of the Parliamentary Council: Ceremony at Museum Koenig Bonn

Personen des politischen Lebens
Ceremony to mark the 75th anniversary of the constituent meeting of the Parliamentary Council at Museum Koenig Bonn. Group photo (from left to right): Deputy Director of the Bundesrat, Dr Georg Kleemann; Prof. Dr Christoph Scherber; Vice-President of the
Museum Koenig Bonn Press release

75 years ago, Museum Koenig Bonn wrote a piece of German democratic and parliamentary history. On 1 September 1948, the Parliamentary Council met here in the atrium for its constituent session. Today, the German Bundestag is celebrating this historic moment in a place where democracy is practised day in, day out.

"We are delighted that our country's democracy is being honoured here at Museum Koenig Bonn today," emphasises Prof. Dr Bernhard Misof, Director General of Museum Koenig Bonn, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB). "As a research museum, we are a place where scientific findings and different interests in dealing with nature are discussed. We offer visitors and organisations a forum for negotiating conflicts of interest and reflecting on different social value systems."

The ceremony on 1 September, with a welcome address by Bundestag President Bärbel Bas and a speech by former Federal President Joachim Gauck, opens a series of events organised by the German Bundestag to mark 75 years of the Basic Law - 75 years of the German Bundestag. Following the ceremony, pupils from Potsdam and Bonn presented what the Basic Law means today with their perspectives on "The freedom to be me! What the Basic Law has to do with me".

In 1948, the Parliamentary Council drafted the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany in just 265 days and made groundbreaking decisions for the development of democracy in Germany. As there were no premises for the Federal Chancellor's official residence, Konrad Adenauer initially took up his duties in the Museum Koenig Bonn on 15 September 1949.

He ruled door to door with large and small animals, including the so-called federal giraffe. She was a silent witness at the opening ceremony on 1 September 1948 and watched the events from behind curtains. This was because the two giraffes, which have been placed in the atrium since the museum opened, could not be pushed into the side aisles at the time - unlike the other exhibits on display. To this day, the myth persists that the "federal giraffe" was watching the parliamentarians - either from behind the curtains or directly.

Giraffe im Museum König Bonn
Ceremony to mark the 75th anniversary of the constituent meeting of the Parliamentary Council at Museum Koenig Bonn. Here, the Lord Mayor of the Federal City of Bonn, Katja Dörner (left), during her welcoming address.
Bundespräsident hält Rede im Museum König Bonn
Ceremony to mark the 75th anniversary of the constituent meeting of the Parliamentary Council at Museum Koenig Bonn. Here, former Federal President Dr Joachim Gauck (right) during his speech.
Bundespräsident hält Rede im Museum König Bonn
Ceremony to mark the 75th anniversary of the constituent meeting of the Parliamentary Council at Museum Koenig Bonn. View of the atrium during the welcoming address by the President of the Bundesrat, Dr Peter Tschentscher.
Musiker im Museum König Bonn
Ceremony to mark the 75th anniversary of the constituent meeting of the Parliamentary Council at Museum Koenig Bonn. Here the Beethoven String Quartet.
Historische Aufnahme einer parlamentarischen Sitzung im Museum König Bonn
Historical photograph of the first meeting of the Parliamentary Council at the Museum Koenig Bonn.
Historische Aufnahme einer parlamentarischen Sitzung im Museum König Bonn
Historical photograph of the first meeting of the Parliamentary Council at the Museum Koenig Bonn.
Personen des LIB und des politischen Lebens unterhalten sich
(from left to right) Commercial Director of the LIB Adrian Grüter, President of the Bundesrat and First Mayor of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg Peter Tschentscher, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Deputy Scientific Director of the LIB Prof Dr Christoph Scherber.
Adrian Grüter, Olaf Scholz und Christoph Scherber
(from left to right) Adrian Grüter, Olaf Scholz and Christoph Scherber.
Christoph Scherber, Bundespräsident a.D. Joachim Gauck und Adrian Grüter
(from left to right) Christoph Scherber, former Federal President Joachim Gauck and Adrian Grüter.
Giraffe im Museum König Bonn
Ceremony to mark the 75th anniversary of the constituent meeting of the Parliamentary Council at Museum Koenig Bonn. Here, the Lord Mayor of the Federal City of Bonn, Katja Dörner (left), during her welcoming address.
Bundespräsident hält Rede im Museum König Bonn
Ceremony to mark the 75th anniversary of the constituent meeting of the Parliamentary Council at Museum Koenig Bonn. Here, former Federal President Dr Joachim Gauck (right) during his speech.
Bundespräsident hält Rede im Museum König Bonn
Ceremony to mark the 75th anniversary of the constituent meeting of the Parliamentary Council at Museum Koenig Bonn. View of the atrium during the welcoming address by the President of the Bundesrat, Dr Peter Tschentscher.
Musiker im Museum König Bonn
Ceremony to mark the 75th anniversary of the constituent meeting of the Parliamentary Council at Museum Koenig Bonn. Here the Beethoven String Quartet.
Historische Aufnahme einer parlamentarischen Sitzung im Museum König Bonn
Historical photograph of the first meeting of the Parliamentary Council at the Museum Koenig Bonn.
Historische Aufnahme einer parlamentarischen Sitzung im Museum König Bonn
Historical photograph of the first meeting of the Parliamentary Council at the Museum Koenig Bonn.
Personen des LIB und des politischen Lebens unterhalten sich
(from left to right) Commercial Director of the LIB Adrian Grüter, President of the Bundesrat and First Mayor of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg Peter Tschentscher, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Deputy Scientific Director of the LIB Prof Dr Christoph Scherber.
Adrian Grüter, Olaf Scholz und Christoph Scherber
(from left to right) Adrian Grüter, Olaf Scholz and Christoph Scherber.
Christoph Scherber, Bundespräsident a.D. Joachim Gauck und Adrian Grüter
(from left to right) Christoph Scherber, former Federal President Joachim Gauck and Adrian Grüter.


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