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Prof. Dr. Mariella Herberstein

  • Head of Centre for Taxonomy & Morphology

Sedanstraße 19
20146 Hamburg



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  • 2025/02

    Dharmarathne, C., McLean, D.J., Michalik, P., Herberstein, M.E.

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    Sperm Transfer Under Behavioral and Morphological Constraints in the Orb‐Web Spider Genus Argiope

    Integrative Zoology

  • 2024

  • 2024/10

    McLean, D.J., Herberstein, M.E., Kokko, H.

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    Asymmetric arms races between predators and prey: a tug of war between the life–dinner principle and the rare-enemy principle

    Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2032, 291

  • 2024/04

    Trillo, M.C., Aisenberg, A., Herberstein, M.E., Bidegaray-Batista, L.

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    Amazons Are Back: Absence of Males in a Praying Mantis from Uruguayan Savannas

    Neotropical Entomology, 2, 53

  • 2024/11

    Kelly, M.B.J., Penna‐Gonçalves, V., Willmott, N.J., McLean, D.J., Black, J.R., Wolff, J.O., Herberstein, M.E.

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    Small Brains: Body Shape Constrains Tissue Allocation to the Central Nervous System in Ant‐Mimicking Spiders

    The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 11, 532

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