Collection contents
More than 120,000 individuals in 1800 species from all large mammal groups. 100 primary types (holo-, lecto-, neotypes) and 500 paratypes; also from extinct species.
Focal points
- Small mammals of the Palaearctic and Africa, in particular shrews and bats. The African collections are of particular international importance; together with those of the museums in Berlin, Frankfurt and Stuttgart, they are among the most important in Germany.
- Ringing centre for bats, where data on ringings and recoveries of bats in Germany since 1932 are archived.
- Collection of animal vocalisations with a focus on "land-dwelling predators" and, in connection with this, a collection of larynxes, especially those of cats.
Related section
Contact person
- Head of Section Mammalogy Bat Banding Centre
Phone: +49 228 9122 262