Coleoptera (beetles)
The beetle collection of the Museum Koenig Bonn currently comprises (as of 2014) around 2.5 million specimens and includes a number of smaller and larger individual collections.
- One important collection is the R. Oberthür sub-collection (with around 900,000 specimens), which was acquired by the museum in 1956. Equally interesting is the special collection of myrmecophilous and termitophilous beetles by A. Reichensperger.
- The Rhineland collection, founded by F. Rüschkamp and significantly expanded to the present day by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rheinischer Koleopterologen, is of extreme regional importance. In addition, the collections were enriched by the collections of H. Roer and especially those of J. Klapperich.
- In recent years, the collections have benefited above all from research projects (e.g. BIOTA) with material from eastern and southern Africa, collected by T. Wagner. Recent additions mainly include material from South Africa, Arunachal Pradesh (India) and Laos (Scarabaeidae, Chrysomelidae).
- Type catalogue (Ulmen et al. 2010)
Contact person
- Head of Department Arthropoda
- Head of Section Coleoptera
Phone: +49 228 9122 286