Ichthyology (fish)
Fish collections are mostly stored in alcohol. They serve as a reference for taxonomy, as records of the occurrence of species in different periods and places and offer a wide range of research opportunities. The oldest specimens in the fish collection come from the museum's founder Alexander Koenig.
The fish collection now contains more than 140,000 individuals and is largely digitised(see database). The focus of the collection is on freshwater taxa with an emphasis on South American and later European, African and Asian species. It contains more than 2,000 types(see Herder et al. 2010 for the type catalogue).
Larger collections that have been integrated in recent years come from the FREDIE project(barcode reference collection for European freshwater fishes), the FSJF collection(fish collection Jörg Freyhof - focus on freshwater from the Western Palaearctic) and the legacy of Lothar Seegers (mainly freshwater fishes from East Africa), the reference collection for North German fishes of the Bremen University of Applied Sciences(Heiko Brunken) and various own field-oriented research projects.
Visiting researchers are always welcome and can use a range of laboratory infrastructures (e.g. the morphology laboratory for collection-based research). For loan requests or questions about your stay, please contact Marius Lambrecht .
SYNTHESYS + offers the possibility to finance research stays of scientists from the EU. For questions about SYNTHESYS + please contact Fabian Herder.
Related section
Contact person
- Head of Vertebrate Department
- Head of Section Ichthyology
Phone: +49 228 9122 255
E-Mail: f.herder@leibniz-lib.de