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Prof. Dr. Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa

  • Head of Invertebrates Department, Head of Invertebrates Section

Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3
20146 Hamburg

Phone: +49 40 238317 638



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  • 2025/03

    Raeker, J., Lord, A., Herranz, M., Giribet, G., Worsaae, K., Schmidt-Rhaesa, A.

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    The big, the small and the weird: A phylogenomic analysis of extant Priapulida

    Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 204

  • 2025/03

    Martínez, A., Bonaglia, S., Di Domenico, M., Fonseca, G., Ingels, J., Jörger, K.M., Laumer, C., Leasi, F., Zeppilli, D., Baldrighi, E., Bik, H., Cepeda, D., Curini-Galletti, M., Cutter, A.D., dos Santos, G., Fattorini, S., Frisch, D., Gollner, S., Jondelius, U., Kerbl, A., Kocot, K.M., Majdi, N., Mammola, S., Martín-Durán, J.M., Menegotto, A., Montagna, P.A., Nascimento, F.J.A., Puillandre, N., Rognant, A., Sánchez, N., Santos, I.R., Schmidt-Rhaesa, A., Schratzberger, M., Semprucci, F., Shimabukuro, M., Sommerfield, P.J., Struck, T.H., Sørensen, M.V., Wallberg, A., Worsaae, K., Yamasaki, H., Fontaneto, D.

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    Fundamental questions in meiofauna research highlight how small but ubiquitous animals can improve our understanding of Nature

    Communications Biology, 1, 8

  • 2024

  • 2024/11

    Raeker, J., Worsaae, K., Schmidt-Rhaesa, A.

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    David versus Goliath: An interspecific comparison between small-sized Halicryptus spinulosus and large-sized Halicryptus higginsi (Priapulida)

    Zoologischer Anzeiger, 313

  • 2024/09

    Raeker, J., Worsaae, K., Schmidt-Rhaesa, A.

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    New morphological structures of Priapulus caudatus, Lamarck 1816 (Priapulida) and analysis of homologous characters across macroscopic priapulids

    Zoologischer Anzeiger, 312

  • 2024/09

    Review of the Priapulida of New Zealand with the description of a new species

    New Zealand Journal of Zoology

  • 2024/12


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    Towards a better understanding of deep-sea tardigrade biogeography: numerous new records from the Southern Ocean

    Zootaxa, 1, 5543

  • 2024/06

    Lucey, J., Schmidt-Rhaesa, A.

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    Horsehair worms (Nematomorpha: Gordiida) of southern Ireland rivers and streams

    Irish Naturalists' Journal/Irish naturalists' journal, 40

  • 2024/12

    Diez, Y.L., Schmidt-Rhaesa, A.

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    Little neighbours in Hamburg: free-living aquatic flatworms (Platyhelminthes)

    Evolutionary Systematics, 2, 8

  • 2023

  • 2023/01

    Morphology of larval and postlarval stages of Priapulopsis bicaudatus (Danielssen, 1869) (Priapulida) from the north atlantic ocean

    Zoologischer Anzeiger, 302

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