The scientific collections at the LIB are supported by the collection managers Monique Hölting and Björn Rulik and Dirk Neumann.
They deal with cross-departmental issues and provide support with the documentation, inventory and management of collection objects. Standardisation and optimisation of collection-based workflows are further areas of responsibility.
Björn Rulik is the contact person for specific digitisation issues, provides support with database problems and acts as an interface between the collections and the Biodiversity Informatics Section. The harmonisation of internal workflows facilitates access, increases visibility and thus accelerates the discovery of organismic diversity. The continuous expansion and development of the GBOL network is another important task.
Monique Hölting is the contact person for various pieces of legislation (e.g. Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS), CITES, BNatSchG) and is responsible for the implementation of ABS guidelines at the LIB in order to realise the requirements of European and national ABS legislation.