Current NEWS from the LIB cosmos
From newly discovered animal species to treasures of historical collections, from environmental changes to nature conservation in the Anthropocene, from the opening of a special exhibition to a panel discussion: you will find all the latest information here. We also offer current press releases for download in the press area.
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Our treasure of the month: A daddy-long-leg spider
They are particularly prevalent in cellars and hallways: Daddy-long-leg spiders. The best-known species in Germany is our treasure of the month.
Our treasure of the month writes climate history: a fossil foraminifera
The newcomer to the Geological-Palaeontological Collection is a large foraminifer – a fossil witness from the Eocene that writes climate history.
Our treasure of the month: A well camouflaged moth with “deterrent function”
Mimesis and mimicry, camouflage combined with warning: perhaps this is why the number of species in the neotropical eye moth genus Automeris Hübner, all of which have these eyespots, is quite high.
Our treasure of the month: The Chinese Mitten Crab
Among all animals, it is one of the 100 most dangerous invaders worldwide. For research at the LIB, on the other hand, the Chinese mitten crab from 1924 is a great collection treasure.
Our Treasure of the Month: The Asian Ladybird
The beetle is considered an invasive species that threatens the native ecosystem. The specimens from Hamburg serve as a basis for current research.