Current NEWS from the LIB cosmos
From newly discovered animal species to treasures of historical collections, from environmental changes to nature conservation in the Anthropocene, from the opening of a special exhibition to a panel discussion: you will find all the latest information here. We also offer current press releases for download in the press area.
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Scientists Resolve “Identity Crisis” for Australia’s Deadliest Spider
An international team of scientists has revised the classification of Australia’s most famous spider.
Happy holidays and all the best for the new year!
Thank you for continuing to work with us to preserve nature in 2024. Together we can achieve a lot!
Art meets science on insect protection at the ‘UN Campus’ railway station
Beetles, butterflies and other insects have recently been hanging around the UN Campus railway station in oversized graffiti. What looks beautiful has a larger goal: the graffiti draws attention to the threat posed to insects by light pollution.
Elbtower: option for new natural history museum in Hamburg
The current discussion about the location for the planned new natural history museum in Hamburg is gathering pace. As confirmed by the Senate of the City of Hamburg, proposals for housing the ‘Evolutioneum’ in the new building on the Elbe bridges are being examined.
Panel discussion ‘Are we switching on the turbo in biodiversity research with AI?’
The discussion at the ‘Hamburger Horizonte’ event on Thursday at the Museum der Natur Hamburg centred on the possibilities and limits of what AI can achieve in biodiversity research.
Face of the LIB: France Gimnich
For France Gimnich, art and science, life and research, politics and personal responsibility belong together. With the InUrFaCE street art project “Art meets Biodiversity”, she wants to raise awareness of nature issues among people who don’t go to museums.